Cancers related to immunodeficiencies: update and perspectives E Mortaz, P Tabarsi, D Mansouri, A Khosravi, J Garssen, A Velayati, ... Frontiers in immunology 7, 365, 2016 | 203 | 2016 |
Opium could be considered an independent risk factor for lung cancer: a case-control study MR Masjedi, PA Naghan, S Taslimi, M Yousefifard, SM Ebrahimi, ... Respiration 85 (2), 112-118, 2013 | 90 | 2013 |
Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the lung and thyroid, co-existing with papillary thyroid cancer HR Jamaati, MB Shadmehr, B Saidi, A Khosravi, M Arab, F Mohammadi Endocrine pathology 20, 133-136, 2009 | 34 | 2009 |
Circulating free DNA concentration as a marker of disease recurrence and metastatic potential in lung cancer H Mirtavoos-Mahyari, S Ghafouri-Fard, A Khosravi, E Motevaseli, ... Clinical and translational medicine 8, 1-6, 2019 | 31 | 2019 |
Expression of two basic mRNA biomarkers in peripheral blood of patients with non-small cell lung cancer detected by real-time rt-PCR, individually and simultaneously S Karimi, A Mohamadnia, SA Nadji, R Yadegarazari, A Khosravi, ... Iranian biomedical journal 19 (1), 17, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
Elevated CXCL-8 expression in bronchoalveolar lavage correlates with disease severity in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome resulting from tuberculosis SMR Hashemian, E Mortaz, P Tabarsi, H Jamaati, Z Maghsoomi, ... Journal of Inflammation 11, 1-9, 2014 | 27 | 2014 |
Significant changes in D2-like dopamine gene receptors expression associated with non-small-cell lung cancer: could it be of potential use in the design of future therapeutic … M Shaikhpoor, G Ahangari, M Sadeghizadeh, A Khosravi, ... Current Cancer therapy reviews 8 (4), 304-310, 2012 | 22 | 2012 |
Analysis of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity risk factors in iranian patients with solid tumors: a cohort, prospective and single institute study ZE Monfared, A Khosravi, AS Naini, G Radmand, K Khodadad Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP 18 (3), 753, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Efficacy and safety of proposed bevacizumab biosimilar BE1040V in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: a phase III, randomized, double-blind, noninferiority clinical trial H Rezvani, SM Mortazavizadeh, A Allahyari, A Nekuee, SN Najafi, ... Clinical therapeutics 42 (5), 848-859, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and estrogen receptor status in respect to tumor characteristics in non-metastatic breast cancer H Mirtavoos-Mahyari, A Khosravi, Z Esfahani-Monfared Tanaffos 13 (1), 26, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |
Serum interleukin-27 level in different clinical stages of lung cancer AS Babadi, A Kiani, E Mortaz, K Taghavi, A Khosravi, M Marjani, S Seifi, ... Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 (1), 45, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
Clinicopathologic and survival characteristics of malignant pleural mesothelioma registered in hospital cancer registry K Najmi, A Khosravi, S Seifi, H Emami, S Chaibakhsh, G Radmand, ... Tanaffos 13 (2), 6, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
Proteomic and genomic biomarkers for non‐small cell lung cancer: Peroxiredoxin, haptoglobin, and alpha‐1 antitrypsin Z Najafi, A Mohamadnia, R Ahmadi, M Mahmoudi, N Bahrami, A Khosravi, ... Cancer Medicine 9 (11), 3974-3982, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |
EPA and DHA have selective toxicity for PBMCs from multiple myeloma patients in a partly caspase-dependent manner E Mortaz, M Moloudizargari, A Khosravi, MH Asghari, M Movassaghi, ... Clinical Nutrition 39 (7), 2137-2143, 2020 | 14 | 2020 |
Comparing docetaxel plus cisplatin with paclitaxel plus carboplatin in chemotherapy-naïve patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: A single institute study K Khodadad, A Khosravi, Z Esfahani-Monfared, S Karimi, S Seifi Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: IJPR 13 (2), 575, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Prognostic value of rare and complex mutations in EGFR and serum levels of soluble EGFR and its ligands in non-small cell lung carcinoma patients SM Haghgoo, A Khosravi, E Mortaz, M Pourabdollah-Toutkaboni, S Seifi, ... Clinical Biochemistry 50 (6), 293-300, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Expression of two essential mRNA biomarker in the peripheral blood as possible biomarkers for diagnosis of non-small cell lung carcinoma N Bahrami, M Gholami, HR Jamaati, A Mohamadnia, H Dargahi, ... Minerva Pneumol 55 (3), 31-6, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
A study of the relationship between job satisfaction and procrastination AA Khosravi JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP & ADMINISTRATION 3 (28), 125-141, 2009 | 13 | 2009 |
Inflammatory potential of diet and odds of lung cancer: a case-control study A Sadeghi, K Parastouei, S Seifi, A Khosravi, B Salimi, H Zahedi, ... Nutrition and cancer 74 (8), 2859-2867, 2022 | 12 | 2022 |
Immunoglobulin free light chains in the pathogenesis of lung disorders E Mortaz, IM Adcock, H Jamaati, A Khosravi, M Movassaghi, J Garssen, ... Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 282-288, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |