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Dudi  Muhammad Wildan
Dudi Muhammad Wildan
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Mangrove ecosystem related to fisheries productivity in the coastal area of Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia
YA Nugraha, HA Susanto, CPH Simanjuntak, DM Wildan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 800 (1), 012016, 2021
Biologi reproduksi ikan belanak (Planiliza subviridis) yang tertangkap di Perairan Pantai Karangsong, Indramayu, Jawa Barat
S Ratnaningsih, S Sulistiono, MM Kamal, DM Wildan, A Ervinia
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan 12 (1), 61-72, 2021
Diversity, distribution, and species status of the fish in Banten Bay, Indonesia
S Sulistiono, DM Wildan, A Ervinia, N Rohim, DA Hedianto, F Baihaqi, ...
E3S Web of Conferences 339, 03003, 2022
Reproductive aspects of greenback mullet Planiliza subviridis (Valenciennes, 1836) in Cengkok coastal waters, Banten Bay Indonesia
N Fitriah, MF Rahardjo, R Affandi, DM Wildan, CPH Simanjuntak
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 800 (1), 012014, 2021
Evaluation of karst water quality as an early reference of land suitability mapping for vaname shrimp (Litopenaeusvannamei) culture media
DM Wildan, R Affandi, NTM Pratiwi, M Krisanti, IP Ayu, A Iswantari
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 54 (1), 012070, 2017
Sulistiono., Wildan, DM & Simanjuntak, CPH (2021). Reproductive aspects of Greenback Mullet (Planiliza subviridis)(Valenciennes, 1836) in Cengkok coastal waters, Banten Bay …
N Fitriah, MF Rahardjo, R Affandi
International Conference on Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources 800 …, 0
Food and Feeding Habits of Tor tambra (Valenciennes, 1842) in Cibareno River, West Java, Indonesia
L Amanda, VA Prakoso, M Boer, DM Wildan, K Kurniawan, F Rochman, ...
E3S Web of Conferences 442, 01015, 2023
Kemampuan Ikan Tawar Mencerna Mikroplastik Secara in Vitro
DM Wildan, L Sutiani, R Affandi
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan 13 (2), 209-220, 2022
Kemampuan Kijing Lokal (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) Mereduksi Limbah Organik Budidaya Ikan Sidat (Anguilla sp.)
DM Wildan, R Affandi, NTM Pratiwi
Musamus Fisheries and Marine Journal 4 (1), 1-14, 2021
Pendugaan Pertumbuhan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata Forskal) di Perairan Karangsong, Indramayu, Provinsi Jawa Barat
IP Sanur, S Sulistiono, Y Yonvitner, DM Wildan, A Ervinia
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan Dan Kelautan 12 (1), 27-38, 2021
Struktur populasi tiram pasifik (Crassostrea irredalei, Thunberg 1793) di Pabean Ilir, Indramayu
F Yulianda, AM Samosir, RR Siregar, DM Wildan
Study on zooplankton diversity aquatic ecobiology of Batang Toru River, North Sumatera, Indonesia
A Asriansyah, DM Wildan, NTM Pratiwi, CPH Simanjuntak, T Hestirianoto, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 744 (1), 012003, 2021
Karakter biometrik benih ikan sidat (Anguilla bicolor bicolor Mcclelland, 1844) dari kelompok pertumbuhan berbeda
DM Wildan, AN Larasati, R Affandi, A Mashar
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Tahunan Hasil Perikanan dan Kelautan 17, 155-167, 2020
Utilization of Ciseeng karst water as vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture media
DM Wildan, R Affandi, NTM Pratiwi
International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (JAAR). ISSN …, 2017
Biologi Reproduksi Ikan Pepetek (Leiognathus equula) Di Pesisir Perairan Cilincing, Jakarta Utara
AT Awwali, S Sulistiono, DM Wildan, A Ervinia, G Wahyudewantoro, ...
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan 15 (2), 223-233, 2024
Biometric and biochemical characteristics of glass eels (Anguilla spp.) collected from Cimandiri Estuary, Sukabumi Regency, Indonesia
MM Kamal, DM Wildan, T Budiardi, AO Sudrajat, RI Wahju, R Affandi, ...
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural …, 2023
Plankton community in the sea waters around Panjang and Pamujan Besar islands, Banten Bay
E Juniardi, S Hariyadi, A Ervinia, DM Wildan, N Rohim, A Asriansyah, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1119 (1), 012008, 2022
Condition of physical and chemical parameters of tropical eel genus Anguilla habitat in Citarik and Cicatih rivers in the Cimandiri watershed, Sukabumi, West Java
DM Wildan, A Rahmadya, I Ridwansyah, D Daruati, AP Dewi, FR Fachri
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1062 (1), 012005, 2022
Ability of mussel (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) to Reduce Organic Waste of Eel (Anguilla sp.) Rearing Activity
DM Wildan, R Affandi, NTM Pratiwi
Musamus Fisheries and Marine Journal, 1-14, 2021
Application of radiotelemetry in tracking the movement of mahseer fish (Tor spp.) in Batang Toru River, North Sumatera Province Indonesia
T Hestirianoto, DM Wildan, CPH Simanjuntak, MF Rahardjo, D Syafruddin, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 744 (1), 012028, 2021
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