The democracy deficit and mass support for an EU-wide government R Rohrschneider American Journal of Political Science, 463-475, 2002 | 577 | 2002 |
Democratization and political tolerance in seventeen countries: A multi-level model of democratic learning M Peffley, R Rohrschneider Political research quarterly 56 (3), 243-257, 2003 | 416 | 2003 |
Learning democracy: Democratic and economic values in unified Germany R Rohrschneider OUP Oxford, 1999 | 321 | 1999 |
The environmental movement and the modes of political action RJ Dalton, S Recchia, R Rohrschneider Comparative Political Studies 36 (7), 743-771, 2003 | 296 | 2003 |
The strain of representation: How parties represent diverse voters in Western and Eastern Europe R Rohrschneider, S Whitefield Oxford University Press, 2012 | 282 | 2012 |
Understanding cleavages in party systems: issue position and issue salience in 13 post-communist democracies R Rohrschneider, S Whitefield Comparative Political Studies 42 (2), 280-313, 2009 | 212 | 2009 |
Second‐order elections versus first‐order thinking: How voters perceive the representation process in a multi‐layered system of governance N Clark, R Rohrschneider European Integration 31 (5), 645-664, 2009 | 205* | 2009 |
A global network? Transnational cooperation among environmental groups R Rohrschneider, RJ Dalton Journal of Politics 64 (2), 510-533, 2002 | 192 | 2002 |
New party versus old left realignments: Environmental attitudes, party policies, and partisan affiliations in four West European countries R Rohrschneider The Journal of Politics 55 (3), 682-701, 1993 | 179 | 1993 |
Citizens' attitudes toward environmental issues: selfish or selfless? R Rohrschneider Comparative Political Studies 21 (3), 347-367, 1988 | 174 | 1988 |
Mobilizing versus chasing: how do parties target voters in election campaigns? R Rohrschneider Electoral Studies 21 (3), 367-382, 2002 | 172 | 2002 |
The roots of public opinion toward new social movements: An empirical test of competing explanations R Rohrschneider American Journal of Political Science, 1-30, 1990 | 172 | 1990 |
Responding to growing European Union-skepticism? The stances of political parties toward European integration in Western and Eastern Europe following the financial crisis R Rohrschneider, S Whitefield European Union Politics 17 (1), 138-161, 2016 | 150 | 2016 |
Public perceptions of the EU as a system of governance M Loveless, R Rohrschneider CONNEX/NEWGOV, 2011 | 150 | 2011 |
Trust in democratic institutions in Germany: Theory and evidence ten years after unification R Rohrschneider, R Schmitt-Beck German Politics 11 (3), 35-58, 2002 | 135 | 2002 |
Wählerwandel und die Abschwächung der Parteineigungen von 1972 bis 1987 RJ Dalton, R Rohrschneider Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 1987, 297-324, 1990 | 129 | 1990 |
Report from the laboratory: The influence of institutions on political elites' democratic values in Germany R Rohrschneider American Political Science Review 88 (4), 927-941, 1994 | 127 | 1994 |
Do expert surveys produce consistent estimates of party stances on European integration? Comparing expert surveys in the difficult case of Central and Eastern Europe S Whitefield, MA Vachudova, MR Steenbergen, R Rohrschneider, ... Electoral Studies 26 (1), 50-61, 2007 | 126 | 2007 |
Political parties, public opinion and European integration in post-communist countries: the state of the art R Rohrschneider, S Whitefield European Union Politics 7 (1), 141-160, 2006 | 125 | 2006 |
Macro salience: How economic and political contexts mediate popular evaluations of the democracy deficit in the European Union R Rohrschneider, M Loveless The Journal of Politics 72 (4), 1029-1045, 2010 | 109 | 2010 |