Democracy in developing countries: Africa L Diamond, J Linz, SM Lipset Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1988 | 1788 | 1988 |
The politics of coalition rule in Colombia J Hartlyn (No Title), 1988 | 463 | 1988 |
Introduction: politics, society, and democracy in Latin America LJ Diamond, J Hartlyn, JJ Linz na, 1989 | 392 | 1989 |
The struggle for democratic politics in the Dominican Republic J Hartlyn Univ of North Carolina Press, 1998 | 347 | 1998 |
Electoral governance matters: Explaining the quality of elections in contemporary Latin America J Hartlyn, J McCoy, TM Mustillo Comparative Political Studies 41 (1), 73-98, 2008 | 255 | 2008 |
La política del régimen de coalición: la experiencia del Frente Nacional en Colombia J Hartlyn, P Valenzuela (No Title), 1993 | 254 | 1993 |
Performance still matters: Explaining trust in government in the Dominican Republic R Espinal, J Hartlyn, JM Kelly Comparative Political Studies 39 (2), 200-223, 2006 | 243 | 2006 |
Democracy in Latin America since 1930 J Hartlyn, A Valenzuela Duke-University of North Carolina Program in Latin American Studies, 1994 | 156 | 1994 |
La política del régimen de coalición J Hartlyn La experiencia del Frente, 1993 | 123 | 1993 |
Latin America in the Twenty-First Century: toward a new sociopolitical matrix MA Garretón, M Cavarozzi, PS Cleaves, G Gereffi, J Hartlyn North-South Center Press, 2003 | 114 | 2003 |
Executive approval database 1.0 RE Carlin, J Hartlyn, T Hellwig, GJ Love, C Martínez-Gallardo, MM Singer Recuperado http://www. Exec. Org, 2016 | 98 | 2016 |
Trust in government institutions: The effects of performance and participation in the Dominican Republic and Haiti AT Stoyan, S Niedzwiecki, J Morgan, J Hartlyn, R Espinal International Political Science Review 37 (1), 18-35, 2016 | 96 | 2016 |
La democracia en América Latina desde 1930 J Hartlyn, A Valenzuela Historia de América Latina 12, 11-66, 1997 | 78 | 1997 |
Latin American political economy: financial crisis and political change J Hartlyn Routledge, 2019 | 77 | 2019 |
Public support for Latin American presidents: The cyclical model in comparative perspective RE Carlin, J Hartlyn, T Hellwig, GJ Love, C Martínez-Gallardo, MM Singer Research & Politics 5 (3), 2053168018787690, 2018 | 76 | 2018 |
La importancia de la gobernanza electoral y la calidad de las elecciones en la América Latina contemporánea J Hartlyn, J McCoy, TM Mustillo América Latina Hoy 51, 15-40, 2009 | 76 | 2009 |
Crisis-ridden elections (again) in the Dominican Republic: Neopatrimonialism, presidentialism, and weak electoral oversight J Hartlyn Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs 36 (4), 91-144, 1994 | 76 | 1994 |
Observer paradoxes: How to assess electoral manipulation J Hartlyn, J McCoy Electoral authoritarianism: The dynamics of unfree competition, 41-54, 2006 | 73 | 2006 |
Producer associations, the political regime, and policy processes in contemporary Colombia J Hartlyn Latin American Research Review 20 (3), 111-138, 1985 | 69 | 1985 |
The politics of violence and democratic transformation J Hartlyn, J Dugas Democracy in Developing Countries: Latin America. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne …, 1999 | 66 | 1999 |