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Fabio Pastorella
Fabio Pastorella
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Stand structure indices as tools to support forest management: an application in Trentino forests (Italy).
F Pastorella, A Paletto
Assessing, valuing and mapping ecosystem services at city level: The case of Uppsala (Sweden)
N Nikodinoska, A Paletto, F Pastorella, M Granvik, PP Franzese
Ecological Modelling 368, 411-424, 2018
La valoración de los servicios ecosistémicos en los ecosistemas forestales: un caso de estudio en Los Alpes Italianos
L Rodríguez García, G Curetti, G Garegnani, G Grilli, F Pastorella, ...
Bosque (Valdivia) 37 (1), 41-52, 2016
Tourists’ perception of deadwood in mountain forests
F Pastorella, A Avdagić, A Čabaravdić, A Mraković, M Osmanović, ...
Annals of Forest Research 59 (2), 311-326, 2016
Mapping the value of ecosystem services: A case study from the Austrian Alps
A Paletto, C Geitner, G Grilli, R Hastik, F Pastorella, LR Garcìa
Annals of Forest Research 2015 (1), 157-175, 2015
Social perception of forest multifunctionality in southern Italy: The case of Calabria Region.
F Pastorella, G Giacovelli, M Maesano, A Paletto, S Vivona, A Veltri, ...
Stakeholders' opinions and expectations for the forest-based sector: a regional case study in Italy
A Paletto, G Giacovelli, F Pastorella
International Forestry Review 19 (1), 68-78, 2017
People’s preferences for Alpine forest landscapes: results of an internet-based survey
F Pastorella, G Giacovelli, I De Meo, A Paletto
Journal of Forest Research 22 (1), 36-43, 2017
Usefulness and perceived usefulness of Decision Support Systems (DSSs) in participatory forest planning: the final users’ point of view
F Pastorella, JG Borges, I De Meo
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 9 (3), 422, 2016
Certificazione forestale in Calabria: attitudini, preferenze e disponibilità a pagare delle imprese di seconda trasformazione del legno
A Paletto, S Notaro, F Pastorella, G Giacovelli, S Giovannelli, R Turco
Forest@-Journal of Silviculture and Forest Ecology 14 (1), 107, 2017
La percezione sociale del paesaggio forestale in Trentino-Alto Adige: casi di studio a confronto
F Pastorella, S Santoni, S Notaro, A Paletto
Forest@-Journal of Silviculture and Forest Ecology 13 (1), 73, 2016
Strategie di valorizzazione della filiera foresta-legno in Calabria: il punto di vista dei portatori d’interessi
A Paletto, G Giacovelli, G Matteucci, M Maesano, F Pastorella, R Turco
Forest@-Journal of Silviculture and Forest Ecology 14 (1), 34, 2017
Biomass allocation in natural regeneration of Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies trees in Italian Alps.
F Pastorella, A Paletto
Forest certification in Calabria (Italy): attitudes, preferences and willingness to pay of manufactures and enterprises of forest-wood chain.
A Paletto, S Notaro, F Pastorella, G Giacovelli, S Giovannelli, R Turco
Does mountain forest characteristics influence visual appeal? A study case in an Alpine valley in Italy.
F Pastorella, A Avdagić, A Čabaravdić, M Osmanović, A Paletto
Strategies for the promotion of the forest-wood chain in Calabria (southern Italy): the stakeholders' point of view.
A Paletto, G Giacovelli, G Matteucci, M Maesano, F Pastorella, R Turco, ...
Enhancement of forest ecosystem services: a case study in the Italian Alps
LR García, G Curetti, G Garegnani, G Grilli, F Pastorella, A Paletto
Revista Bosque 37 (1), 41-52, 2016
La percezione sociale del paesaggio in Calabria
G Giacovelli, A Paletto, F Pastorella
Culture della Sostenibilità 16, 128-141, 2015
Servizi ecosistemi delle foreste calabresi: la percezione degli stakeholders
F Pastorella, M Maesano, A Paletto, G Giacovelli, S Vivona, A Veltri, ...
Forest@-Journal of Silviculture and Forest Ecology 14 (1), 143, 2017
Ecosystem services in forests of Calabria: stakeholders' perception.
F Pastorella, M Maesano, A Paletto, G Giacovelli, S Vivona, A Veltri, ...
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