Enabling problem based learning through web 2.0 technologies: PBL 2.0 E Tambouris, E Panopoulou, K Tarabanis, T Ryberg, L Buus, V Peristeras, ... Educational Technology and Society 15 (4), 238-251, 2012 | 147 | 2012 |
Differences in understandings of networked learning theory: connectivity or collaboration? T Ryberg, L Buus, M Georgsen Exploring the theory, pedagogy and practice of networked learning, 43-58, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |
Scaffolding Teachers Integrate Social Media Into a Problem‑Based Learning Approach? L Buus Electronic Journal of e-Learning 10 (1), pp13‑22-pp13‑22, 2012 | 65 | 2012 |
Contributing to a learning methodology for web 2.0 learning–Identifying central tensions in educational use of web 2.0 technologies LN Glud, L Buus, T Ryberg, M Georgsen, J Davidsen Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Networked Learning …, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
Identifying differences in understandings of PBL, theory and interactional interdependencies T Ryberg, LN Glud, L Buus, M Georgsen Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Networked Learning …, 2010 | 43 | 2010 |
A theoretical framework for designing online master communities of practice L Dirckinck-Holmfeld, EK Sorensen, T Ryberg, L Buus Networked learning 2004, 267-73, 2004 | 38 | 2004 |
A learning design methodology for developing short learning programmes in further and continuing education L Buus, M Georgsen Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2018 (1), 8-8, 2018 | 33 | 2018 |
Translating government digitalisation policy in higher education institutions: the Danish case S Haase, L Buus Nordic journal of digital literacy 15 (4), 246-258, 2020 | 31 | 2020 |
Facilitating adoption of Web tools for problem and project based learning activities MS Khalid, N Rongbutsri, L Buus The Eight International Conference on Networked Learning, 559-566, 2012 | 24 | 2012 |
Introducing the collaborative e-learning design method (CoED) T Ryberg, L Buus, T Ryberg, M Georgsen, J Davidsen The art & science of learning design, 75-91, 2015 | 18 | 2015 |
Developing a design methodology for Web 2.0 mediated learning L Buus, M Georgsen, T Ryberg, LN Glud, J Davidsen Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Networked Learning …, 2010 | 15 | 2010 |
A theoretical framework mapping barriers of integrating and adopting educational technology MS Khalid, L Buus Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 1 (1), 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Managing the gap between curriculum based and problem based learning: Deployment of multiple learning strategies in design and delivery of online courses in computer science A Bygholm, L Buus International Journal of Education and Development using ICT 5 (1), 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
Learning Design: Tilgange, cases og karakteristika NB Dohn, M Godsk, L Buus Laering Og Medier (LOM) 21, 1-20, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
From Website to Moodle in a blended learning context L Buus International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies …, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
The Students’ Experiences with Live Video-Streamed Teaching Classes VA Jelsbak, L Buus, J Thorsen, T Bendsen, R Ørngreen European Conference on eLearning, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
The learning potentials and challenges when integrating Web 2.0 in a problem-based learning approach L Buus | 5 | 2015 |
Educational makerspaces in Danish primary and lower-secondary schools: Preliminary insights from an ongoing evaluation of 17 municipalities’ makerspace initiatives. M Pilgaard, DA Basballe, L Buus, RT Nørgård, CC Kjeldsen, SR Madsen, ... 6th FabLearn Europe/MakeEd Conference 2022, 1-4, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
God kvalitet i livestreamet undervisning–fra underviserens point of view V Jelsbak, L Buus, J Thorsen Tidsskriftet Læring og Medier (LOM) 11 (18), 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
TEACHING PBL WITH WEB 2.0–A CASE STUDY OF POSSIBILITIES AND CONFLICTS NB Dohn, L Buus Problem-based learning for the 21st century, 235, 2013 | 3 | 2013 |