An integrated framework for encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: The role of values, situational factors and goals L Steg, JW Bolderdijk, K Keizer, G Perlaviciute Journal of Environmental psychology 38, 104-115, 2014 | 1677 | 2014 |
Comparing the effectiveness of monetary versus moral motives in environmental campaigning JW Bolderdijk, L Steg, ES Geller, PK Lehman, T Postmes Nature climate change 3 (4), 413-416, 2013 | 551 | 2013 |
The adoption of sustainable innovations: Driven by symbolic and environmental motives EH Noppers, K Keizer, JW Bolderdijk, L Steg Global Environmental Change 25, 52-62, 2014 | 524 | 2014 |
Explaining the paradox: how pro-environmental behaviour can both thwart and foster well-being LA Venhoeven, JW Bolderdijk, L Steg Sustainability 5 (4), 1372-1386, 2013 | 272 | 2013 |
Effects of Pay-As-You-Drive vehicle insurance on young drivers’ speed choice: Results of a Dutch field experiment JW Bolderdijk, J Knockaert, EM Steg, ET Verhoef Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (3), 1181-1186, 2011 | 261 | 2011 |
Values determine the (in) effectiveness of informational interventions in promoting pro-environmental behavior JW Bolderdijk, M Gorsira, K Keizer, L Steg PloS one 8 (12), e83911, 2013 | 248 | 2013 |
An exploratory study into the effects of extraordinary nature on emotions, mood, and prosociality Y Joye, JW Bolderdijk Frontiers in psychology 5, 1577, 2015 | 234 | 2015 |
Acting green elicits a literal warm glow D Taufik, JW Bolderdijk, L Steg Nature Climate Change 5 (1), 37-40, 2015 | 221 | 2015 |
Everyday risk taking as a function of regulatory focus MRW Hamstra, JW Bolderdijk, JL Veldstra Journal of research in personality 45 (1), 134-137, 2011 | 170 | 2011 |
Why acting environmentally-friendly feels good: Exploring the role of self-image LA Venhoeven, JW Bolderdijk, L Steg Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1846, 2016 | 161 | 2016 |
Making small numbers count: environmental and financial feedback in promoting eco-driving behaviours E Dogan, JW Bolderdijk, L Steg Journal of Consumer Policy 37, 413-422, 2014 | 150 | 2014 |
‘Distancers’ and ‘non‐distancers’? The potential social psychological impact of moralizing COVID‐19 mitigating practices on sustained behaviour change AMB Prosser, M Judge, JW Bolderdijk, L Blackwood, T Kurz British Journal of Social Psychology 59 (3), 653-662, 2020 | 136 | 2020 |
Individual differences in values determine the relative persuasiveness of biospheric, economic and combined appeals K van den Broek, JW Bolderdijk, L Steg Journal of Environmental Psychology 53, 145-156, 2017 | 127 | 2017 |
Promoting sustainable consumption: The risks of using financial incentives JW Bolderdijk, L Steg Handbook of research on sustainable consumption, 328-342, 2015 | 117 | 2015 |
Encouraging pro‐environmental behaviour with rewards and penalties JW Bolderdijk, PK Lehman, ES Geller Environmental psychology: An introduction, 273-282, 2018 | 109 | 2018 |
Why going green feels good LA Venhoeven, JW Bolderdijk, L Steg Journal of Environmental Psychology 71, 101492, 2020 | 90 | 2020 |
Going green? The relative importance of feelings over calculation in driving environmental intent in the Netherlands and the United States D Taufik, JW Bolderdijk, L Steg Energy Research & Social Science 22, 52-62, 2016 | 72 | 2016 |
Minority influence in climate change mitigation JW Bolderdijk, L Jans Current Opinion in Psychology 42, 25-30, 2021 | 68 | 2021 |
Fostering support for work floor energy conservation policies: Accounting for privacy concerns JW Bolderdijk, L Steg, T Postmes Journal of Organizational Behavior 34 (2), 195-210, 2013 | 66 | 2013 |
Factors that influence consumers’ acceptance of future energy systems: the effects of adjustment type, production level, and price FRM Leijten, JW Bolderdijk, K Keizer, M Gorsira, E Van der Werff, L Steg Energy Efficiency 7, 973-985, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |