Theo dõi
Kálmán Klapcsik
Tiêu đề
Trích dẫn bởi
Trích dẫn bởi
Study of non-spherical bubble oscillations under acoustic irradiation in viscous liquid
K Klapcsik, F Hegedűs
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 54, 256-273, 2019
Relationship between the radial dynamics and the chemical production of a harmonically driven spherical bubble
C Kalmár, K Klapcsik, F Hegedűs
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 64, 104989, 2020
GPU accelerated study of a dual-frequency driven single bubble in a 6-dimensional parameter space: The active cavitation threshold
F Hegedűs, K Klapcsik, W Lauterborn, U Parlitz, R Mettin
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 67, 105067, 2020
Bi-parametric topology of subharmonics of an asymmetric bubble oscillator at high dissipation rate: The exoskeleton, its internal structure and the missing fine substructure
K Klapcsik, R Varga, F Hegedűs
Nonlinear Dynamics 94, 2373-2389, 2018
The effect of high viscosity on the collapse-like chaotic and regular periodic oscillations of a harmonically excited gas bubble
F Hegedűs, K Klapcsik
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 27, 153-164, 2015
The effect of high viscosity on the evolution of the bifurcation set of a periodically excited gas bubble
K Klapcsik, F Hegedűs
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 104, 198-208, 2017
GPU accelerated numerical investigation of the spherical stability of an acoustic cavitation bubble excited by dual-frequency
K Klapcsik
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 77, 105684, 2021
Route to shrimps: Dissipation driven formation of shrimp-shaped domains
R Varga, K Klapcsik, F Hegedűs
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 130, 109424, 2020
Optimal pressure measurement layout design in water distribution network systems
K Klapcsik, R Varga, C Hős
Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering 62 (1), 51-64, 2018
Numerical investigation of the translational motion of bubbles: The comparison of capabilities of the time-resolved and the time-averaged methods
K Klapcsik, F Hegedűs
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 92, 106253, 2023
Dataset of exponential growth rate values corresponding non-spherical bubble oscillations under dual-frequency acoustic irradiation
K Klapcsik
Data in Brief 40, 107810, 2022
Memory-friendly fixed-point iteration method for nonlinear surface mode oscillations of acoustically driven bubbles: from the perspective of high-performance GPU programming
P Kalmár, F Hegedűs, D Nagy, L Sándor, K Klapcsik
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 99, 106546, 2023
A comparative study of measurements and numerical simulations of acoustically excited non-spherical bubbles oscillation
P Kalmár, F Hegedűs, K Klapcsik
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 179, 104947, 2024
Position control of an acoustic cavitation bubble by reinforcement learning
K Klapcsik, B Gyires-Tóth, JM Rosselló, F Hegedűs
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.05674, 2023
The nonlinear dynamical analysis of a harmonically excited gas bubble placed in a highly viscous liquid
K Klapcsik
PhD thesis, Budapest university of Technology and Economics, Hungary, 2019
Investigation of the Acoustically Excited Bubble's Nonlinear Shape Deformation in a Massive Parameter Range with GPU Applications
P Kalmár, K Klapcsik, F Hegedűs
Book of Abstracts from 9th International Scientific Conference on Advances …, 2023
Akusztikusan gerjesztett buborékok felületi stabilitásának és felbomlásának vizsgálata: Investigation of the acoustically excited bubbles shapes deformation and fragmentation.
Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia–OGÉT, 279-284, 2023
Két frekvenciával gerjesztett akusztikus kavitációs buborék alakstabilitási vizsgálata
K Klapcsik, F Hegedűs
XXIX. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia–OGÉT 2021, 40-43, 2021
Harmonikusan Gerjesztett gázbuborék Dinamikai vizsgálata Nagy viszkozitású folyadékban
K Klapcsik
PQDT-Global, 2019
Two-Parameter Bifurcation Analysis for the Seeking of High Amplitude Oscillation of a Periodically Driven Gas Bubble in Glycerine
K Klapcsik, F Hegedűs
CFD. HU Kft., 2015
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