Sasha J. Tetzlaff
Sasha J. Tetzlaff
Research Biologist, US Army ERDC-CERL; Distance Education Faculty, Unity Environmental University
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Effects of antipredator training, environmental enrichment, and soft release on wildlife translocations: a review and meta-analysis
SJ Tetzlaff, JH Sperry, BA DeGregorio
Biological Conservation 236, 324-331, 2019
Estimation of Ophidiomyces prevalence to evaluate snake fungal disease risk
ET Hileman, MC Allender, DR Bradke, LJ Faust, JA Moore, MJ Ravesi, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 82 (1), 173-181, 2018
Snake fungal disease affects behavior of free-ranging massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus)
SJ Tetzlaff, MJ Ravesi, MC Allender, ET Carter, BA DeGregorio, ...
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12 (3), 624-634, 2017
Detection of Ophidiomyces, the Causative Agent of Snake Fungal Disease, in the Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) in Michigan, USA, 2014
MC Allender, ET Hileman, J Moore, S Tetzlaff
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52 (3), 694-698, 2016
First report of snake fungal disease from Michigan, USA involving Massasaugas, Sistrurus catenatus (Rafinesque 1818)
SJ Tetzlaff, M Allender, M Ravesi, J Smith, B Kingsbury
Herpetology Notes 8, 31-33, 2015
Captive-reared juvenile box turtles innately prefer naturalistic habitat: Implications for translocation
SJ Tetzlaff, JH Sperry, BA DeGregorio
Applied animal behaviour science 204, 128-133, 2018
Long‐term behavioral repeatability in wild adult and captive juvenile turtles (Terrapene carolina): Implications for personality development
BE Carlson, SJ Tetzlaff
Ethology 126 (6), 668-678, 2020
Captive-rearing duration may be more important than environmental enrichment for enhancing turtle head-starting success
SJ Tetzlaff, JH Sperry, BA Kingsbury, BA DeGregorio
Global Ecology and Conservation 20, e00797, 2019
Environmental DNA metabarcoding from flowers reveals arthropod pollinators, plant pests, parasites, and potential predator–prey interactions while revealing more arthropod …
MD Johnson, AD Katz, MA Davis, S Tetzlaff, D Edlund, S Tomczyk, ...
Environmental DNA 5 (3), 551-569, 2023
Tradeoffs with growth and behavior for captive box turtles head-started with environmental enrichment
SJ Tetzlaff, JH Sperry, BA DeGregorio
Diversity 11 (3), 40, 2019
Daily and seasonal activity patterns of the massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus): an automated radio-telemetry study
BA DeGregorio, M Ravesi, JH Sperry, SJ Tetzlaff, J Josimovich, ...
Herpetol Conserv Biol 13, 10-16, 2018
Identification of factors affecting predation risk for juvenile turtles using 3D printed models
SJ Tetzlaff, A Estrada, BA DeGregorio, JH Sperry
Animals 10 (2), 275, 2020
Feeding and breeding: a northern population of Massasauga Rattlesnakes, Sistrurus catenatus (Rafinesque 1818), continues to hunt during the mating season
S Tetzlaff, M Ravesi, J Parker, M Forzley, B Kingsbury
Herpetology Notes 8, 277-280, 2015
To forage, mate, or thermoregulate: Influence of resource manipulation on male rattlesnake behavior
SJ Tetzlaff, ET Carter, BA DeGregorio, MJ Ravesi, BA Kingsbury
Ecology and evolution 7 (16), 6606-6613, 2017
Detection of snake fungal disease from a Lampropeltis triangulum (eastern milksnake) in northern Michigan
MJ Ravesi, SJ Tetzlaff, MC Allender, BA Kingsbury
Northeastern Naturalist 23 (3), 2016
Molecular identification and environmental DNA detection of gill lice ectoparasites associated with Brook Trout declines
AD Katz, SJ Tetzlaff, MD Johnson, JD Noble, S Rood, D Maki, JH Sperry
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 152 (6), 788-808, 2023
Fission–fusion dynamics in the social networks of a North American pitviper
SJ Tetzlaff, J Vizentin‐Bugoni, JH Sperry, MA Davis, RW Clark, RA Repp, ...
Ecology and Evolution 13 (8), e10339, 2023
Sistrurus catenatus catenatus (Eastern Massasauga) Diet
S Tetzlaff, M Ravesi, B Kingsbury
Herpetological Review 45 (4), 712-713, 2014
You can go your own way: No evidence for social behavior based on kinship or familiarity in captive juvenile box turtles
SJ Tetzlaff, JH Sperry, BA DeGregorio
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 248, 105586, 2022
Evaluation of thermal regimes for transported ambassador ectotherms: One size does not fit all
SJ Tetzlaff, KE Tetzlaff, RJ Connors
Zoo Biology 35 (4), 339-345, 2016
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