Kelson Rômulo Teixeira Aires
Kelson Rômulo Teixeira Aires
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Leukemia diagnosis in blood slides using transfer learning in CNNs and SVM for classification
LHS Vogado, RMS Veras, FHD Araujo, RRV Silva, KRT Aires
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 72, 415-422, 2018
Automatic detection of motorcyclists without helmet
R Silva, K Aires, T Santos, K Abdala, R Veras, A Soares
2013 XXXIX Latin american computing conference (CLEI), 1-7, 2013
Helmet detection on motorcyclists using image descriptors and classifiers
RRV e Silva, KRT Aires, RMS Veras
2014 27th SIBGRAPI Conference on graphics, patterns and images, 141-148, 2014
Optical flow using color information: preliminary results
KRT Aires, AM Santana, AAD Medeiros
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1607-1611, 2008
Diagnosing leukemia in blood smear images using an ensemble of classifiers and pre-trained convolutional neural networks
LHS Vogado, RDMS Veras, AR Andrade, FHD de Araujo, RRV Silva, ...
2017 30th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI …, 2017
Detection of helmets on motorcyclists
RRV Silva, KRT Aires, RMS Veras
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 5659-5683, 2018
Diagnosis of leukaemia in blood slides based on a fine-tuned and highly generalisable deep learning model
L Vogado, R Veras, K Aires, F Araújo, R Silva, M Ponti, JMRS Tavares
Sensors 21 (9), 2989, 2021
ABCD rule and pre-trained CNNs for melanoma diagnosis
N Moura, R Veras, K Aires, V Machado, R Silva, F Araújo, M Claro
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 6869-6888, 2019
An approach for 2d visual occupancy grid map using monocular vision
AM Santana, KRT Aires, RMS Veras, AAD Medeiros
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 281, 175-191, 2011
Data augmentation for face recognition with CNN transfer learning
V Uchôa, K Aires, R Veras, A Paiva, L Britto
2020 International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing …, 2020
Medical image segmentation using seeded fuzzy c-means: A semi-supervised clustering algorithm
R Veras, K Aires, L Britto
2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2018
Automatic motorcycle detection on public roads
R Silva, K Aires, R Veras, T Santos, K Lima, A Soares
CLEI Electronic Journal 16 (3), 4-4, 2013
Combining abcd rule, texture features and transfer learning in automatic diagnosis of melanoma
N Moura, R Veras, K Aires, V Machado, R Silva, F Araújo, M Claro
2018 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 00508-00513, 2018
A global vision system for mobile mini-robots
KRT Aires, PJ Alsina, AAD Medeiros
SBAI-Simpósio Brasileiro de Automaçao Inteligente, 2001
Malaria parasites detection and identification using object detectors based on deep neural networks: a wide comparative analysis
M Rocha, M Claro, L Neto, K Aires, V Machado, R Veras
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging …, 2023
Semi-automatic segmentation of skin lesions based on superpixels and hybrid texture information
ES Dos Santos, R de MS Veras, KRT Aires, HMBF Portela, GB Junior, ...
Medical Image Analysis 77, 102363, 2022
A systematic review on product recognition for aiding visually impaired people
A Machado, R Veras, K Aires, LSB Neto
IEEE Latin America Transactions 19 (4), 592-603, 2021
Plane detection from monocular image sequences
KRT Aires, HJ Araújo, AAD Medeiros
A skin lesion semi-supervised segmentation method
E Santos, R Veras, H Miguel, K Aires, ML Claro, GB Junior
2020 International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing …, 2020
Rede neural convolucional para o diagnóstico de leucemia
LHS Vogado, RMS Veras, FHD Araujo, RRV Silva, KRT Aires
Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde (SBCAS), 46-57, 2019
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