Vineet Shekhar
Vineet Shekhar
Associate Professor, BIT Sindri
在 bitsindri.ac.in 的电子邮件经过验证
Global Mittag-Leffler stability analysis of impulsive fractional-order complex-valued BAM neural networks with time varying delays
MS Ali, G Narayanan, V Shekher, A Alsaedi, B Ahmad
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 83, 105088, 2020
Global stability analysis of fractional-order fuzzy BAM neural networks with time delay and impulsive effects
MS Ali, G Narayanan, S Sevgen, V Shekher, S Arik
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 78, 104853, 2019
Dynamic stability analysis of stochastic fractional-order memristor fuzzy BAM neural networks with delay and leakage terms
MS Ali, G Narayanan, V Shekher, H Alsulami, T Saeed
Applied Mathematics and Computation 369, 124896, 2020
Global asymptotic synchronization of impulsive fractional-order complex-valued memristor-based neural networks with time varying delays
MS Ali, M Hymavathi, S Senan, V Shekher, S Arik
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 78, 104869, 2019
Finite time stability analysis of fractional-order complex-valued memristive neural networks with proportional delays
M Syed Ali, G Narayanan, Z Orman, V Shekher, S Arik
Neural Processing Letters 51 (1), 407-426, 2020
A detailed analysis of the critical role of artificial intelligence in enabling high-performance cloud computing systems
S Ahamad, M Mohseni, V Shekher, GF Smaisim, A Tripathi, ...
2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative …, 2022
Microcontroller based voice activated wireless automation system
KP Dutta, P Rai, V Shekher
VSRD Internation Journal of Electrocal, Electronics & Communication …, 2012
Non-fragile sampled data control for stabilization of non-linear multi-agent system with additive time varying delays, Markovian jump and uncertain parameters
MS Ali, R Agalya, V Shekher, YH Joo
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 36, 100830, 2020
Tuning and analysis of fractional order PID controller
V Shekher, P Rai, O Prakash
International Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering 5 (1), 11-21, 2012
Influence of wind energy source on congestion management in power system transmission network: a novel modified whale optimization approach
K Paul, V Shekher, N Kumar, V Kumar, M Kumar
Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability 6 (4), 943-959, 2022
The critical role played by big data management in effectively addressing the security and overall privacy concerns through correlation analysis
S Ahamad, A Roshan, M Lourens, V Shekher, K Joshi, J Alanya-Beltran
2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative …, 2022
Determination of stabilizing parameter of fractional order PID controller using genetic algorithm
P Rai, V Shekher, O Prakash
International Journal of Computational Engineering and Management 15 (1), 24-32, 2012
Power factor correction using APFC panel on different loads
V Sehwag, V Dua, A Singh, JN Rai, V Shekhar
2018 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent …, 2018
Forecasting of market clearing volume using wavelet packet-based neural networks with tracking signals
S Saroha, M Zurek-Mortka, JR Szymanski, V Shekher, P Singla
Energies 14 (19), 6065, 2021
Design and evaluation of classic PID, gain and phase margin based controller and intelligent controller design for a ceramic infrared heater
V Shekher, P Rai, O Prakash
ARPN Journal of Science and Technology 3 (2), 248-256, 2012
Comparison between classic PID, integer order PID and fuzzy logic controller for ceramic infrared heater: analysis using MATLAB/Simulink
V Shekher, P Rai, O Prakash
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 1 (3), 222-227, 2012
Rotor angle stability and voltage stability improvement of highly renewable energy penetrated western grid of Bangladesh power system using FACTS device
P Barua, V Shekher, V Kumar, MF Ansari, AC Alguno, R Barua
Cogent Engineering 10 (1), 2210899, 2023
Comparative study of time-series forecasting models for wind power generation in Gujarat, India
S Mahata, P Harsh, V Shekher
e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 8, 100511, 2024
A solar irradiance forecasting model using iterative filtering and bidirectional long short-term memory
P Singla, S Saroha, M Duhan, V Shekher, K Singh
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 46 …, 2024
Stability analysis of quasi one-sided Lipschitz non-linear multi-agent system via sampled data control subject to directed switching topology
MS Ali, R Agalya, B Priya, G Kumar Thakur, V Shekher
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 38 (3), 783-793, 2021
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