Sasa Batistic
Sasa Batistic
Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Studies, Tilburg University
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History, evolution and future of big data and analytics: a bibliometric analysis of its relationship to performance in organizations
S Batistič, P van der Laken
British Journal of Management 30 (2), 229-251, 2019
A bibliometric review of the leadership development field: How we got here, where we are, and where we are headed
B Vogel, RJ Reichard, S Batistič, M Černe
The Leadership Quarterly 32 (5), 101381, 2021
Networking behaviour, graduate employability: a social capital perspective
S Batistic, A Tymon
Education+ Training 59 (4), 374-388, 2017
Just how multi-level is leadership research? A document co-citation analysis 1980–2013 on leadership constructs and outcomes
S Batistič, M Černe, B Vogel
The Leadership Quarterly 28 (1), 86-103, 2017
The role of organizational context in fostering employee proactive behavior: The interplay between HR system configurations and relational climates
S Batistič, M Černe, R Kaše, I Zupic
European Management Journal 34 (5), 579-588, 2016
Looking beyond-socialization tactics: The role of human resource systems in the socialization process
S Batistič
Human Resource Management Review 28 (2), 220-233, 2018
HR systems, attachment styles with leaders, and the creativity–innovation nexus
M Černe, S Batistič, R Kenda
Human Resource Management Review 28 (3), 271-288, 2018
The organizational socialization field fragmentation: A bibliometric review
S Batistič, R Kaše
Scientometrics 104, 121-146, 2015
New kids on the block? A bibliometric analysis of emerging COVID-19—trends in leadership research
R Bauwens, S Batistič, S Kilroy, S Nijs
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 29 (2), 224-232, 2022
Relational climates moderate the effect of openness to experience on knowledge hiding: a two-country multi-level study
M Banagou, S Batistič, H Do, RF Poell
Journal of Knowledge Management 25 (11), 60-87, 2021
Improved academic performance and enhanced employability? The potential double benefit of proactivity for business graduates
A Tymon, S Batistic
Teaching in Higher Education 21 (8), 915-932, 2016
Toward a model of socializing project team members: An integrative approach
S Batistič, R Kenda
International Journal of Project Management 36 (5), 687-700, 2018
Sustainable graduate employability: an evaluation of ‘brand me’presentations as a method for developing self-confidence
A Tymon, C Harrison, S Batistic
Studies in Higher Education 45 (9), 1821-1833, 2020
Minimizing the effects of defensive routines on knowledge hiding though unlearning
JG Cegarra-Navarro, A Wensley, S Batistic, M Evans, CC Para
Journal of Business Research 137, 58-68, 2021
Knowledge hiding in organizations: Meta-analysis 10 Years Later
M Skerlavaj, M Cerne, S Batistič
Economic and Business Review for Central and South-Eastern Europe 25 (2), 79-102, 2023
The road to the future: A multi-technique bibliometric review and development projections of the Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) research
M Premru, M Černe, S Batistič
Sage Open 12 (2), 21582440221097688, 2022
The elephant in the room: exploring the motivational antecedents of servant leadership
J Paas, RF Poell, S Batistič
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 41 (5), 637-652, 2020
In the eyes of Janus: The intellectual structure of HRM-performance debate and its future prospects
R Kaše, J Paauwe, S Batistič
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 1 (1), 56-76, 2014
Do HR systems and relational climates affect knowledge hiding? An experiment and two-source multi-level study
S Batistič, RF Poell
Journal of Business Research 147, 82-96, 2022
HR systems and leadership attachment affecting idea generation and implementation: An experiment and two-source multi-level study
S Batistič, R Kenda, M Premru, M Černe
European Management Journal 40 (4), 532-545, 2022
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