Brian Trease
Brian Trease
在 utoledo.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Accommodating Thickness in Origami-Based Deployable Arrays1
SA Zirbel, RJ Lang, MW Thomson, DA Sigel, PE Walkemeyer, BP Trease, ...
Journal of mechanical design 135 (11), 111005, 2013
Design of Large-Displacement Compliant Joints
BP Trease, YM Moon, S Kota
J. Mech. Des. 127 (4), 788-798, 2005
Design and Application of Compliant Mechanisms for Surgical Tools
S Kota, KJ Lu, Z Kreiner, B Trease, J Arenas, J Geiger
J Biomech Eng 127 (6), 981-989, 2005
Simulations of Mars Rover Traverses
F Zhou, RE Arvidson, K Bennett, B Trease, R Lindemann, P Bellutta, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 31 (1), 141-160, 2014
Bistable Mechanisms for Space Applications
SA Zirbel, KA Tolman, BP Trease, LL Howell
PLOS ONE 11 (12), e0168218, 2016
Design of large-displacement compliant joints
YM Moon, BP Trease, S Kota
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2002
Hanaflex: a large solar array for space applications
SA Zirbel, BP Trease, MW Thomson, RJ Lang, SP Magleby, LH Howell
Micro-and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications VII 9467, 179-187, 2015
Design of adaptive and controllable compliant systems with embedded actuators and sensors
B Trease, S Kota
Deployment methods for an origami-inspired rigid-foldable array
SA Zirbel, BP Trease, SP Magleby, LL Howell
The 42nd Aerospace Mechanism Symposium, 2014
Dynamic modeling and soil mechanics for path planning of the mars exploration rovers
B Trease, R Arvidson, R Lindemann, K Bennett, F Zhou, K Iagnemma, ...
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2011
Efficient spatial coverage by a robot swarm based on an ant foraging model and the Lévy distribution
A Schroeder, S Ramakrishnan, M Kumar, B Trease
Swarm Intelligence 11, 39-69, 2017
New methods for developing and manufacturing compliant mechanisms utilizing bulk metallic glass
ER Homer, MB Harris, SA Zirbel, JA Kolodziejska, H Kozachkov, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 16 (7), 850-856, 2014
Terramechanics modeling of Mars surface exploration rovers for simulation and parameter estimation
K Iagnemma, C Senatore, B Trease, R Arvidson, K Bennett, A Shaw, ...
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2011
Biomimetic compliant system for smart actuator-driven aquatic propulsion: preliminary results
BP Trease, KJ Lu, S Kota
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 37076, 43-52, 2003
Application of origami in the starshade spacecraft blanket design
D Sigel, BP Trease, MW Thomson, DR Webb, P Willis, PD Lisman
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2014
Automated characterization and compensation for a compliant mechanism haptic device
RB Gillespie, T Shin, F Huang, B Trease
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 13 (1), 136-146, 2008
Failures in sand in reduced gravity environments
JP Marshall, RC Hurley, D Arthur, I Vlahinic, C Senatore, K Iagnemma, ...
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 113, 1-12, 2018
Dynamic modeling and analysis of an origami-inspired optical shield for the starshade spacecraft
L Bowen, B Trease, M Frecker, T Simpson
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 50480, V001T01A012, 2016
Modeling and validation of mobility characteristics of the mars science laboratory curiosity rover
C Senatore, N Stein, F Zhou, K Bennett, R Arvidson, B Trease, ...
Proc. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Artificial …, 2014
Development of helical, fish-inspired cross-step filter for collecting harmful algae
A Schroeder, L Marshall, B Trease, A Becker, SL Sanderson
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 14 (5), 056008, 2019
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