Lo-Yao Yeh (葉羅堯)
Lo-Yao Yeh (葉羅堯)
National Central University, Department of Information Management
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ABAKA: An anonymous batch authenticated and key agreement scheme for value-added services in vehicular ad hoc networks
JL Huang, LY Yeh, HY Chien
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 60 (1), 248-262, 2010
Cloud-based fine-grained health information access control framework for lightweightiot devices with dynamic auditing andattribute revocation
LY Yeh, PY Chiang, YL Tsai, JL Huang
IEEE transactions on cloud computing 6 (2), 532-544, 2015
ABACS: An attribute-based access control system for emergency services over vehicular ad hoc networks
LY Yeh, YC Chen, JL Huang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 29 (3), 630-643, 2011
SOChain: A privacy-preserving DDoS data exchange service over soc consortium blockchain
LY Yeh, PJ Lu, SH Huang, JL Huang
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 67 (4), 1487-1500, 2020
Autonomous and malware-proof blockchain-based firmware update platform with efficient batch verification for Internet of Things devices
JW Hu, LY Yeh, SW Liao, CS Yang
Computers & Security 86, 238-252, 2019
PAACP: A portable privacy-preserving authentication and access control protocol in vehicular ad hoc networks
LY Yeh, YC Chen, JL Huang
Computer Communications 34 (3), 447-456, 2011
A proxy-based authentication and billing scheme with incentive-aware multihop forwarding for vehicular networks
LY Yeh, YC Lin
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (4), 1607-1621, 2014
A batch-authenticated and key agreement framework for P2P-based online social networks
LY Yeh, YL Huang, AD Joseph, SW Shieh, WJ Tsaur
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 61 (4), 1907-1924, 2012
An efficient nonce-based authentication scheme with key agreement
YC Chen, LY Yeh
Applied Mathematics and Computation 169 (2), 982-994, 2005
Blockchain-based privacy-preserving and sustainable data query service over 5G-VANETs
LY Yeh, NX Shen, RH Hwang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (9), 15909-15921, 2022
PBS: a portable billing scheme with fine-grained access control for service-oriented vehicular networks
LY Yeh, JL Huang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 13 (11), 2606-2619, 2013
A practical authentication protocol with anonymity for wireless access networks
YC Chen, SC Chuang, LY Yeh, JL Huang
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 11 (10), 1366-1375, 2011
An privacy-preserving cross-organizational authentication/authorization/accounting system using blockchain technology
PJ Lu, LY Yeh, JL Huang
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2018
An efficient authentication and access control scheme using smart cards
YC Chen, LY Yeh
11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'05 …, 2005
A secure and efficient authentication scheme for access control in mobile pay-TV systems
LY Yeh, WJ Tsaur
IEEE transactions on multimedia 14 (6), 1690-1693, 2012
Learning to extract expert teams in social networks
CC Chang, MY Chang, JY Jhang, LY Yeh, CY Shen
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 9 (5), 1552-1562, 2022
SWOON: A Testbed for Secure Wireless Overlay Networks.
YL Huang, JD Tygar, HY Lin, LY Yeh, HY Tsai, K Sklower, SP Shieh, ...
CSET 8, 1-6, 2008
A collaborative DDoS defense platform based on blockchain technology
LY Yeh, JL Huang, TY Yen, JW Hu
2019 Twelfth International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (Ubi-Media), 1-6, 2019
GDPR-aware revocable P2P file-sharing system over consortium blockchain
LY Yeh, CY Shen, WC Huang, WH Hsu, HC Wu
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (4), 5234-5245, 2022
DANS: A Secure and Efficient Driver-Abnormal Notification Scheme with I oT Devices Over I o V
WJ Tsaur, LY Yeh
IEEE Systems Journal 13 (2), 1628-1639, 2018
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