Michael Groß
Michael Groß
Professur Technische Mechanik/Dynamik, Technische Universität Chemnitz
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Conservation properties of a time FE method. Part IV: Higher order energy and momentum conserving schemes
M Groß, P Betsch, P Steinmann
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 63 (13), 1849-1897, 2005
Experimental observation of roton-like dispersion relations in metamaterials
JA Iglesias Martínez, MF Groß, Y Chen, T Frenzel, V Laude, M Kadic, ...
Science advances 7 (49), eabm2189, 2021
Energy–momentum consistent finite element discretization of dynamic finite viscoelasticity
M Groß, P Betsch
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 81 (11), 1341-1386, 2010
An energy‐entropy‐consistent time stepping scheme for nonlinear thermo‐viscoelastic continua
M Krüger, M Groß, P Betsch
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2016
Galerkin-based energy–momentum consistent time-stepping algorithms for classical nonlinear thermo-elastodynamics
M Groß, P Betsch
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 82 (4), 718-770, 2011
A comparison of structure-preserving integrators for discrete thermoelastic systems
M Krüger, M Groß, P Betsch
Computational Mechanics 47, 701-722, 2011
Conserving time integrators for nonlinear elastodynamics
M Groß
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 2004
Higher-order accurate and energy-momentum consistent discretisation of dynamic finite deformation thermo-viscoelasticity
M Groß
Tetramode metamaterials as phonon polarizers
MF Groß, JLG Schneider, Y Wei, Y Chen, S Kalt, M Kadic, X Liu, G Hu, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (18), 2211801, 2023
Non-isothermal energy–momentum time integrations with drilling degrees of freedom of composites with viscoelastic fiber bundles and curvature–twist stiffness
M Groß, J Dietzsch, C Röbiger
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 365, 112973, 2020
Observation of Chirality‐Induced Roton‐Like Dispersion in a 3D Micropolar Elastic Metamaterial
Y Chen, JLG Schneider, MF Groß, K Wang, S Kalt, P Scott, M Kadic, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 34 (20), 2302699, 2024
Variational-based higher-order accurate energy–momentum schemes for thermo-viscoelastic fiber-reinforced continua
M Groß, J Dietzsch, M Bartelt
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 336, 353-418, 2018
Variational-based energy–momentum schemes of higher-order for elastic fiber-reinforced continua
M Groß, J Dietzsch
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 320, 509-542, 2017
Structure-preserving time integration of non-isothermal finite viscoelastic continua related to variational formulations of continuum dynamics
M Groß, M Bartelt, P Betsch
Computational Mechanics 62, 123-150, 2018
Variational-based locking-free energy–momentum schemes of higher-order for thermo-viscoelastic fiber-reinforced continua
M Groß, J Dietzsch
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 343, 631-671, 2019
On deriving higher-order and energy-momentum-consistent time-stepping-schemes for thermo-viscoelastodynamics from a new hybrid space-time Galerkin method
M Gross, P Betsch
Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, 2007
Energy-momentum conserving higher-order time integration of nonlinear dynamics of finite elastic fiber-reinforced continua
N Erler, M Groß
Computational Mechanics 55, 921-942, 2015
Variational integrators for thermomechanical coupled dynamic systems with heat conduction
D Kern, S Bär, M Groß
PAMM 14 (1), 47-48, 2014
An energy consistent hybrid space‐time Galerkin method for nonlinear thermomechanical problems
M Groß, P Betsch
PAMM: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 6 (1), 443-444, 2006
An energy consistent hybrid space-time finite element method for nonlinear thermo-viscoelastodynamics
M Groß, P Betsch
Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering II …, 2007
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