Gabriel Mujica
The extreme edge at the bottom of the Internet of Things: A review
J Portilla, G Mujica, JS Lee, T Riesgo
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (9), 3179-3190, 2019
Wireless sensor network for environmental monitoring: application in a coffee factory
J Valverde, V Rosello, G Mujica, J Portilla, A Uriarte, T Riesgo
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 8 (1), 638067, 2011
3D-LIDAR based object detection and tracking on the edge of IoT for railway level crossing
C Wisultschew, G Mujica, JM Lanza-Gutierrez, J Portilla
IEEE Access 9, 35718-35729, 2021
Edge and fog computing platform for data fusion of complex heterogeneous sensors
G Mujica, R Rodriguez-Zurrunero, MR Wilby, J Portilla, ...
Sensors 18 (11), 3630, 2018
Modelling and planning reliable wireless sensor networks based on multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm with changeable length
D He, G Mujica, J Portilla, T Riesgo
Journal of Heuristics 21, 257-300, 2015
Hardware-software integration platform for a WSN testbed based on cookies nodes
G Mujica, V Rosello, J Portilla, T Riesgo
IECON 2012-38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2012
Performance evaluation of an AODV-based routing protocol implementation by using a novel in-field WSN diagnosis tool
G Mujica, J Portilla, T Riesgo
Microprocessors and Microsystems 39 (8), 920-938, 2015
A modular IoT hardware platform for distributed and secured extreme edge computing
P Merino, G Mujica, J Señor, J Portilla
Electronics 9 (3), 538, 2020
Analysis of the ntru post-quantum cryptographic scheme in constrained iot edge devices
J Señor, J Portilla, G Mujica
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (19), 18778-18790, 2022
Internet of things in sport training: Application of a rowing propulsion monitoring system
R Castro, G Mujica, J Portilla
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (19), 18880-18897, 2022
Characterizing deep neural networks on edge computing systems for object classification in 3D point clouds
C Wisultschew, A Pérez, A Otero, G Mujica, J Portilla
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (17), 17075-17089, 2022
Simulation tool and case study for planning wireless sensor network
D He, G Mujica, J Portilla, T Riesgo
IECON 2012-38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2012
Merging smart wearable devices and wireless mesh networks for collaborative sensing
J Zornoza, G Mujica, J Portilla, T Riesgo
2017 32nd Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), 1-6, 2017
Radio propagation modeling and real test of ZigBee based indoor wireless sensor networks
D He, G Mujica, G Liang, J Portilla, T Riesgo
Journal of Systems Architecture 60 (9), 711-725, 2014
Internet of Things in the railway domain: Edge sensing system based on solid-state LIDAR and fuzzy clustering for virtual coupling
G Mujica, J Henche, J Portilla
IEEE Access 9, 68093-68107, 2021
Distributed reprogramming on the edge: A new collaborative code dissemination strategy for IoT
G Mujica, J Portilla
Electronics 8 (3), 267, 2019
On-the-fly dynamic reprogramming mechanism for increasing the energy efficiency and supporting multi-experimental capabilities in WSNs
G Mujica, V Rosello, J Portilla, T Riesgo
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
Integrated toolset for wsn application planning, development, commissioning and maintenance: The wsn-dpcm artemis-ju project
C Antonopoulos, K Asimogloy, S Chiti, L D’Onofrio, S Gianfranceschi, ...
Sensors 16 (6), 804, 2016
Safety and Security oriented design for reliable Industrial IoT applications based on WSNs
J Vera-Perez, D Todoli-Ferrandis, V Sempere-Payá, R Ponce-Tortajada, ...
2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2019
Deployment strategies of wireless sensor networks for IoT: challenges, trends, and solutions based on novel tools and HW/SW platforms
G Mujica, J Portilla, T Riesgo
Components and Services for IoT Platforms: Paving the Way for IoT Standards …, 2016
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