David Lloyd
David Lloyd
Professor, Griffith University Centre of Biomedical & Rehabilitation Engineering
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An EMG-driven musculoskeletal model to estimate muscle forces and knee joint moments in vivo
DG Lloyd, TF Besier
Journal of biomechanics 36 (6), 765-776, 2003
Neuromusculoskeletal modeling: estimation of muscle forces and joint moments and movements from measurements of neural command
TS Buchanan, DG Lloyd, K Manal, TF Besier
Journal of applied biomechanics 20 (4), 367-395, 2004
External loading of the knee joint during running and cutting maneuvers
TF Besier, DG Lloyd, JL Cochrane, TR Ackland
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 33 (7), 1168-1175, 2001
Grand challenge competition to predict in vivo knee loads
BJ Fregly, TF Besier, DG Lloyd, SL Delp, SA Banks, MG Pandy, DD D'lima
Journal of orthopaedic research 30 (4), 503-513, 2012
Anticipatory effects on knee joint loading during running and cutting maneuvers.
TF Besier, DG Lloyd, TR Ackland, JL Cochrane
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 33 (7), 1176-1181, 2001
Repeatability of gait data using a functional hip joint centre and a mean helical knee axis
TF Besier, DL Sturnieks, JA Alderson, DG Lloyd
Journal of biomechanics 36 (8), 1159-1168, 2003
Strategies of muscular support of varus and valgus isometric loads at the human knee
DG Lloyd, TS Buchanan
Journal of biomechanics 34 (10), 1257-1267, 2001
Muscle activation strategies at the knee during running and cutting maneuvers
TF Besier, DG Lloyd, TR Ackland
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 35 (1), 119-127, 2003
Muscle and external load contribution to knee joint contact loads during normal gait
CR Winby, DG Lloyd, TF Besier, TB Kirk
Journal of biomechanics 42 (14), 2294-2300, 2009
Knee joint kinematics, kinetics and muscle co-contraction in knee osteoarthritis patient gait
TL Heiden, DG Lloyd, TR Ackland
Clinical biomechanics 24 (10), 833-841, 2009
Characteristics of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in Australian football
JL Cochrane, DG Lloyd, A Buttfield, H Seward, J McGivern
Journal of science and medicine in sport 10 (2), 96-104, 2007
Sensori-motor function, gait patterns and falls in community-dwelling women
SR Lord, DG Lloyd, SEK Keung Li
Age and ageing 25 (4), 292-299, 1996
EMG-driven forward-dynamic estimation of muscle force and joint moment about multiple degrees of freedom in the human lower extremity
M Sartori, M Reggiani, D Farina, DG Lloyd
PloS one 7 (12), e52618, 2012
The effect of technique change on knee loads during sidestep cutting
AR Dempsey, DG Lloyd, BC Elliott, JR Steele, BJ Munro, KA Russo
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 39 (10), 1765-1773, 2007
CEINMS: A toolbox to investigate the influence of different neural control solutions on the prediction of muscle excitation and joint moments during dynamic motor tasks
C Pizzolato, DG Lloyd, M Sartori, E Ceseracciu, TF Besier, BJ Fregly, ...
Journal of biomechanics 48 (14), 3929-3936, 2015
Changing sidestep cutting technique reduces knee valgus loading
AR Dempsey, DG Lloyd, BC Elliott, JR Steele, BJ Munro
The American journal of sports medicine 37 (11), 2194-2200, 2009
Subject-specific knee joint geometry improves predictions of medial tibiofemoral contact forces
P Gerus, M Sartori, TF Besier, BJ Fregly, SL Delp, SA Banks, MG Pandy, ...
Journal of biomechanics 46 (16), 2778-2786, 2013
Estimation of muscle forces and joint moments using a forward-inverse dynamics model
TS Buchanan, DG Lloyd, K Manal, TF Besier
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 37 (11), 1911-1916, 2005
The effect of exercise on gait patterns in older women: a randomized controlled trial
SR Lord, DG Lloyd, M Nirui, J Raymond, P Williams, RA Stewart
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical …, 1996
Rationale for training programs to reduce anterior cruciate ligament injuries in Australian football
DG Lloyd
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 31 (11), 645-654, 2001
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