Liang Gao
Liang Gao
在 smail.nju.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Fiber ring laser sensor for temperature measurement
Z Yin, L Gao, S Liu, L Zhang, F Wu, L Chen, X Chen
Journal of Lightwave Technology 28 (23), 3403-3408, 2010
Multilongitudinal mode fiber laser for strain measurement
S Liu, Z Yin, L Zhang, L Gao, X Chen, J Cheng
Optics letters 35 (6), 835-837, 2010
Tunable optoelectronic oscillator incorporating a single passband microwave photonic filter
J Zhang, L Gao, J Yao
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26 (4), 326-329, 2014
Microwave photonic filter with two independently tunable passbands using a phase modulator and an equivalent phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating
L Gao, J Zhang, X Chen, J Yao
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 62 (2), 380-387, 2014
Fiber-optic vibration sensor based on beat frequency and frequency-modulation demodulation techniques
L Gao, S Liu, Z Yin, L Zhang, L Chen, X Chen
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 23 (1), 18-20, 2011
Tunable microwave photonic filter with a narrow and flat-top passband
L Gao, X Chen, J Yao
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 23 (7), 362-364, 2013
Photonic Generation of a Phase-Coded Microwave Waveform with Ultra-Wide Frequency Tunable Range
L Gao, X Chen, J Yao
IEEE, 2013
Multimode fiber laser for simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature based on beat frequency demodulation
L Gao, L Chen, L Huang, X Chen
Optics Express 20 (20), 22517-22522, 2012
Dual wavelength semiconductor laser based on reconstruction-equivalent-chirp technique
S Li, R Li, L Li, R Liu, L Gao, X Chen
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25 (3), 299-302, 2013
Frequency and Phase Tunable Optoelectronic Oscillator
J Yao, L Gao, M Wang, X Chen
IEEE, 2013
Simultaneous measurement of strain and load using a fiber laser sensor
L Gao, L Chen, L Huang, S Liu, Z Yin, X Chen
IEEE Sensors Journal 12 (5), 1513-1517, 2012
Photonic generation of triangular waveforms based on a polarization modulator in a Sagnac loop
W Liu, L Gao, J Yao
Microwave Photonics (MWP), 2013 International Topical Meeting on, 68-71, 2013
Multiplexed multi-longitudinal mode fiber laser sensor
L Huang, P Wang, L Gao, T Zhang, X Chen
Optics express 22 (21), 25722-25728, 2014
Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature with a multi-longitudinal mode erbium-doped fiber laser
L Gao, L Huang, L Chen, X Chen
Optics Communications 297, 98-101, 2013
Photonic-assisted microwave frequency multiplication with a tunable multiplication factor
L Gao, W Liu, X Chen, J Yao
Optics Letters 38 (21), 4487-4490, 2013
Study on fiber ring laser in sensing application with beat frequency demodulation
L Gao, L Huang, L Chen, X Chen
Optics & Laser Technology 45, 137-141, 2013
Multilongitudinal mode fiber-ring laser sensor for strain measurement
S Liu, R Gu, L Gao, Z Yin, L Zhang, X Chen, J Cheng
Optical Engineering 50 (5), 054401-054401-5, 2011
Dual-wavelength FBG laser sensor based on photonic generation of radio frequency demodulation technique
SC Liu, ZW Yin, L Zhang, XF Chen, L Gao, JC Cheng
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 23 (16), 2177-2185, 2009
Simple hybrid wire–wireless fiber laser sensor by direct photonic generation of beat signal
S Liu, L Gao, Z Yin, Y Shi, L Zhang, X Chen, J Cheng
Applied Optics 50 (12), 1792-1797, 2011
Multilongitudinal mode fiber laser sensor for temperature measurement
L Qian, L Chen, L Gao, X Chen
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, AF4B. 27, 2012
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