Michael G. Burke
Michael G. Burke
Senior Research Scientist/Instructor, Rice University
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The Jalapeno virtual machine
B Alpern, CR Attanasio, JJ Barton, MG Burke, P Cheng, JD Choi, ...
IBM Systems Journal 39 (1), 211-238, 2000
Efficient flow-sensitive interprocedural computation of pointer-induced aliases and side effects
JD Choi, M Burke, P Carini
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 1993
Interprocedural dependence analysis and parallelization
M Burke, R Cytron
ACM Sigplan Notices 21 (7), 162-175, 1986
The Jalapeno dynamic optimizing compiler for Java
MG Burke, JD Choi, S Fink, D Grove, M Hind, V Sarkar, MJ Serrano, ...
Proceedings of the ACM 1999 conference on Java Grande, 129-141, 1999
An overview of the PTRAN analysis system for multiprocessing
F Allen, M Burke, P Charles, R Cytron, J Ferrante
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 5 (5), 617-640, 1988
Interprocedural pointer alias analysis
M Hind, M Burke, P Carini, JD Choi
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 21 (4), 848-894, 1999
Concurrent collections
Z Budimlić, M Burke, V Cavé, K Knobe, G Lowney, R Newton, J Palsberg, ...
Scientific Programming 18 (3-4), 203-217, 2010
An interval-based approach to exhaustive and incremental interprocedural data-flow analysis
M Burke
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 12 (3), 341-395, 1990
Flow-insensitive interprocedural alias analysis in the presence of pointers
M Burke, P Carini, JD Choi, M Hind
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 7th International Workshop …, 1995
XJ: Facilitating XML processing in Java
M Harren, M Raghavachari, O Shmueli, MG Burke, R Bordawekar, ...
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, 278-287, 2005
Automatic detection of inter-application permission leaks in android applications
D Sbîrlea, MG Burke, S Guarnieri, M Pistoia, V Sarkar
IBM Journal of Research and Development 57 (6), 10: 1-10: 12, 2013
A framework for interprocedural optimization in the presence of dynamic class loading
VC Sreedhar, M Burke, JD Choi
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 35 (5), 196-207, 2000
A framework for determining useful parallelism
F Allen, M Burke, R Cytron, J Ferrante, W Hsieh
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Supercomputing, 207-215, 1988
A practical method for LR and LL syntactic error diagnosis and recovery
MG Burke, GA Fisher
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 9 (2), 164-197, 1987
Interprocedural optimization: eliminating unnecessary recompilation
M Burke, L Torczon
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 15 (3), 367-399, 1993
Using program call graphs to determine the maximum fixed point solution of interprocedural bidirectional data flow problems in a compiler
MG Burke, PR Carini, JD Choi
US Patent 5,485,616, 1996
Pointer-induced aliasing: A clarification
TJ Marlowe, WG Landi, BG Ryder, JD Choi, MG Burke, P Carini
ACM SiGPLAN Notices 28 (9), 67-70, 1993
Concurrent Collections Programming Model.
MG Burke, K Knobe, R Newton, V Sarkar
Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing, 364-371, 2011
System and method for optimizing computer code using a compact data flow representation
MG Burke, JD Choi, RG Cytron
US Patent 5,448,737, 1995
A critical analysis of incremental iterative data flow analysis algorithms
MG Burke, BG Ryder
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 16 (7), 723-728, 1990
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