Michael Mühlberger
Michael Mühlberger
Senior Researcher, Functional Surfaces and Nanostructures, Profactor GmbH
在 profactor.at 的电子邮件经过验证
Positioning of self-assembled Ge islands on stripe-patterned Si (001) substrates
Z Zhong, A Halilovic, M Mühlberger, F Schäffler, G Bauer
Journal of applied physics 93 (10), 6258-6264, 2003
Development of a novel, low-viscosity UV-curable polymer system for UV-nanoimprint lithography
M Vogler, S Wiedenberg, M Mühlberger, I Bergmair, T Glinsner, ...
Microelectronic engineering 84 (5-8), 984-988, 2007
Lattice parameter of Si 1-x-y Ge x C y alloys
D De Salvador, M Petrovich, M Berti, F Romanato, E Napolitani, A Drigo, ...
Physical Review B 61 (19), 13005, 2000
Single and multilayer metamaterials fabricated by nanoimprint lithography
I Bergmair, B Dastmalchi, M Bergmair, A Saeed, W Hilber, G Hesser, ...
Nanotechnology 22 (32), 325301, 2011
Two-flux composite fermion series of the fractional quantum hall states in strained Si
K Lai, W Pan, DC Tsui, S Lyon, M Mühlberger, F Schäffler
Physical review letters 93 (15), 156805, 2004
Ge island formation on stripe-patterned Si (001) substrates
Z Zhong, A Halilovic, M Mühlberger, F Schäffler, G Bauer
Applied physics letters 82 (3), 445-447, 2003
A Moiré method for high accuracy alignment in nanoimprint lithography
M Mühlberger, I Bergmair, W Schwinger, M Gmainer, R Schöftner, ...
Microelectronic Engineering 84 (5-8), 925-927, 2007
UV-NIL with working stamps made from Ormostamp
M Mühlberger, I Bergmair, A Klukowska, A Kolander, H Leichtfried, ...
Microelectronic Engineering 86 (4-6), 691-693, 2009
Lateral quantum dots in Si/SiGe realized by a Schottky split-gate technique
T Berer, D Pachinger, G Pillwein, M Mühlberger, H Lichtenberger, ...
Applied Physics Letters 88, 162112, 2006
Two-dimensional metal-insulator transition and in-plane magnetoresistance in a high-mobility strained Si quantum well
K Lai, W Pan, DC Tsui, SA Lyon, M Mühlberger, F Schäffler
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (8), 081313, 2005
Spin lifetimes and g-factor tuning in Si/SiGe quantum wells
W Jantsch, Z Wilamowski, N Sandersfeld, M Mühlberger, F Schäffler
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 13 (2-4), 504-507, 2002
Novel transparent hybrid polymer working stamp for UV-imprinting
A Klukowska, A Kolander, I Bergmair, M Mühlberger, H Leichtfried, ...
Microelectronic Engineering 86 (4-6), 697-699, 2009
UV nanoimprint lithography for the realization of large-area ordered SiGe/Si (001) island arrays
E Lausecker, M Brehm, M Grydlik, F Hackl, I Bergmair, M Muhlberger, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (14), 143101-143101-3, 2011
Ordering of Si0. 55Ge0. 45 islands on vicinal Si (001) substrates: interplay between kinetic step bunching and strain-driven island growth
H Lichtenberger, M Mühlberger, F Schäffler
Applied Physics Letters 86 (13), 131919, 2005
Anisotropy of g-factor and electron spin resonance linewidth in modulation doped quantum wells
H Malissa, W Jantsch, M Mühlberger, F Schäffler, Z Wilamowski, ...
Applied physics letters 85 (10), 1739-1741, 2004
growth instabilities on vicinal Si(001) substrates: Kinetic vs. strain-induced effects
C Schelling, M Mühlberger, G Springholz, F Schäffler
Physical Review B 64 (4), 041301, 2001
Si 1-x Ge x growth instabilities on vicinal Si (001) substrates: Kinetic vs. strain-induced effects
C Schelling, M Mühlberger, G Springholz, F Schäffler
Physical Review B 64 (4), 041301, 2001
UV-NIL fabricated bio-inspired inlays for injection molding to influence the friction behavior of ceramic surfaces
M Mühlberger, M Rohn, J Danzberger, E Sonntag, A Rank, L Schumm, ...
Microelectronic Engineering 141, 140-144, 2015
Valley splitting of heterostructures in tilted magnetic fields
K Lai, TM Lu, W Pan, DC Tsui, S Lyon, J Liu, YH Xie, M Mühlberger, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (16), 161301, 2006
Nanoimprint Lithography on curved surfaces prepared by fused deposition modelling
T Köpplmayr, L Häusler, I Bergmair, M Mühlberger
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 3 (2), 024003, 2015
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