Kaile Zhang
How soil biota regulate C cycling and soil C pools in diversified crop rotations
K Zhang, G Maltais-Landry, HL Liao
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 156, 108219, 2021
The effects of combinations of biochar, lime, and organic fertilizer on nitrification and nitrifiers
K Zhang, L Chen, Y Li, PC Brookes, J Xu, Y Luo
Biology and Fertility of Soils 53, 77-87, 2017
Priming effects in biochar enriched soils using a three-source-partitioning approach: 14C labelling and 13C natural abundance
Y Luo, H Zang, Z Yu, Z Chen, A Gunina, Y Kuzyakov, J Xu, K Zhang, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 106, 28-35, 2017
Mortierella elongata Increases Plant Biomass among Non-Leguminous Crop Species
K Zhang, G Bonito, CM Hsu, K Hameed, R Vilgalys, HL Liao
Agronomy 10 (5), 754, 2020
The properties and functions of biochars in forest ecosystems
Y Luo, Z Yu, K Zhang, J Xu, PC Brookes
Journal of Soils and Sediments 16, 2005-2020, 2016
Interactive effects of soil pH and substrate quality on microbial utilization
K Zhang, L Chen, Y Li, PC Brookes, J Xu, Y Luo
European Journal of Soil Biology 96, 103151, 2020
Assessment of bacterial communities and predictive functional profiling in soils subjected to short-term fumigation-incubation
L Chen, Y Luo, J Xu, Z Yu, K Zhang, PC Brookes
Microbial ecology 72, 240-251, 2016
Long-term sod-based rotation promotes beneficial root microbiomes and increases crop productivity
K Zhang, G Maltais-Landry, S George, ZJ Grabau, I M. Small, D Wright, ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils 58 (4), 403-419, 2022
Contrasting biomass, dynamics and diversity of microbial community following the air-drying and rewetting of an upland and a paddy soil of the same type
Q Shen, K Zhang, J Song, J Shen, J Xu, K Inubushi, PC Brookes
Biology and Fertility of Soils 54, 871-875, 2018
Amendment with biodiesel co-product modifies genes for N cycling (nirK, nirS, nosZ) and greenhouse gas emissions (N2O, CH4, CO2) from an acid soil
Q Shen, M Redmile-Gordon, J Song, J Li, K Zhang, P Voroney, J Xu, ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils 57, 629-642, 2021
Absolute microbiome profiling highlights the links among microbial stability, soil health, and crop productivity under long-term sod-based rotation
K Zhang, G Maltais-Landry, M James, V Mendez, D Wright, S George, ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils 58 (8), 883-901, 2022
Integrating perennial bahiagrass into the conventional rotation of cotton and peanut enhances interactions between microbial and nematode communities
K Zhang, L Schumacher, G Maltais-Landry, ZJ Grabau, S George, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 170, 104254, 2022
Suillus: an emerging model for the study of ectomycorrhizal ecology and evolution
L Lofgren, NH Nguyen, PG Kennedy, E Pérez‐Pazos, J Fletcher, HL Liao, ...
New Phytologist 242 (4), 1448-1475, 2024
Disentangling the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in plant nutrient acquisition along a Zn gradient using X-ray imaging
K Zhang, R Tappero, J Ruytinx, S Branco, HL Liao
Science of the Total Environment 801, 149481, 2021
The effects of soil incorporation depth of Biodiesel Co-Product (BCP) additions on N leaching losses and on genes involved in soil nitrogen cycling in an acidic Chinese tea soil
Q Shen, J Song, K Zhang, P Voroney, J Li, J Xu, PC Brookes
Biology and Fertility of Soils 57 (6), 739-752, 2021
Elevational changes in soil properties shaping fungal community assemblages in terrestrial forest
H Luo, C Wang, K Zhang, L Ming, H Chu, H Wang
Science of The Total Environment 900, 165840, 2023
Biodiesel Co-Product enhances microbial stability and beneficial microbial communities along a gradient of soil water content
Q Shen, K Zhang, P Voroney, L Meng, J Xu, P Brookes
Science of the Total Environment 856, 159204, 2023
Ectomycorrhizal fungi enhance pine growth by stimulating iron‐dependent mechanisms with trade‐offs in symbiotic performance
K Zhang, H Wang, R Tappero, JM Bhatnagar, R Vilgalys, K Barry, ...
New Phytologist 242 (4), 1645-1660, 2024
Long‐term tropospheric ozone pollution disrupts plant‐microbe‐soil interactions in the agroecosystem
K Zhang, R Zentella, KO Burkey, HL Liao, RH Tisdale
Global Change Biology 30 (3), e17215, 2024
Changes in soil microbial diversity and community composition across bahiagrass and rhizoma peanut pastures
AS Erhunmwunse, LMD Queiroz, K Zhang, CL Mackowiak, ARS Blount, ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils 59 (3), 285-300, 2023
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