Riad Haidar
Riad Haidar
ONERA et Ecole Polytechnique
在 onera.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Random quasi-phase-matching in bulk polycrystalline isotropic nonlinear materials
M Baudrier-Raybaut, R Haidar, P Kupecek, P Lemasson, E Rosencher
Nature 432 (7015), 374-376, 2004
Wideband omnidirectional infrared absorber with a patchwork of plasmonic nanoantennas
P Bouchon, C Koechlin, F Pardo, R Haïdar, JL Pelouard
Optics letters 37 (6), 1038-1040, 2012
Nearly perfect Fano transmission resonances through nanoslits drilled in a metallic membrane
S Collin, G Vincent, R Haïdar, N Bardou, S Rommeluère, JL Pelouard
Physical review letters 104 (2), 027401, 2010
Light funneling mechanism explained by magnetoelectric interference
F Pardo, P Bouchon, R Haïdar, JL Pelouard
Physical review letters 107 (9), 093902, 2011
Plasmonic planar antenna for wideband and efficient linear polarization conversion
Q Lévesque, M Makhsiyan, P Bouchon, F Pardo, J Jaeck, N Bardou, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (11), 2014
Guided mode resonance in subwavelength metallodielectric free-standing grating for bandpass filtering
E Sakat, G Vincent, P Ghenuche, N Bardou, S Collin, F Pardo, ...
Optics letters 36 (16), 3054-3056, 2011
Total routing and absorption of photons in dual color plasmonic antennas
C Koechlin, P Bouchon, F Pardo, J Jaeck, X Lafosse, JL Pelouard, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (24), 2011
Shaping the spatial and spectral emissivity at the diffraction limit
M Makhsiyan, P Bouchon, J Jaeck, JL Pelouard, R Haïdar
Applied Physics Letters 107 (25), 2015
Total funneling of light in high aspect ratio plasmonic nanoresonators
P Bouchon, F Pardo, B Portier, L Ferlazzo, P Ghenuche, G Dagher, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (19), 2011
Fast modal method for subwavelength gratings based on B-spline formulation
P Bouchon, F Pardo, R Haïdar, JL Pelouard
JOSA A 27 (4), 696-702, 2010
Analytical description of subwavelength plasmonic MIM resonators and of their combination
C Koechlin, P Bouchon, F Pardo, JL Pelouard, R Haïdar
Optics express 21 (6), 7025-7032, 2013
Ph. Kupecek, Ph. Lemasson, and E. Rosencher
M Baudrier-Raybaut, R Haïdar
Nature 432, 374, 2004
Free-standing subwavelength metallic gratings for snapshot multispectral imaging
R Haïdar, G Vincent, S Collin, N Bardou, N Guérineau, J Deschamps, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (22), 2010
Fresnel phase matching for three-wave mixing in isotropic semiconductors
R Haïdar, N Forget, P Kupecek, E Rosencher
JOSA B 21 (8), 1522-1534, 2004
Demonstration of an infrared microcamera inspired by Xenos peckii vision
G Druart, N Guérineau, R Haïdar, S Thétas, J Taboury, S Rommeluère, ...
Applied optics 48 (18), 3368-3374, 2009
Optical extinction in a single layer of nanorods
P Ghenuche, G Vincent, M Laroche, N Bardou, R Haïdar, JL Pelouard, ...
Physical review letters 109 (14), 143903, 2012
Free-standing guided-mode resonance band-pass filters: from 1D to 2D structures
E Sakat, G Vincent, P Ghenuche, N Bardou, C Dupuis, S Collin, F Pardo, ...
Optics Express 20 (12), 13082-13090, 2012
Infrared focal plane array with a built-in stationary Fourier-transform spectrometer: basic concepts
S Rommeluère, N Guérineau, R Haidar, J Deschamps, E De Borniol, ...
Optics letters 33 (10), 1062-1064, 2008
Quantum efficiency investigations of type-II InAs/GaSb midwave infrared superlattice photodetectors
E Giard, I Ribet-Mohamed, J Jaeck, T Viale, R Haïdar, R Taalat, M Delmas, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (4), 2014
High efficiency quasi-monochromatic infrared emitter
G Brucoli, P Bouchon, R Haïdar, M Besbes, H Benisty, JJ Greffet
Applied Physics Letters 104 (8), 2014
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