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SUNGJAY LEEKorea Institute for Advanced Study在 kias.re.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Rak-Kyeong SeongAssociate Professor, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)在 unist.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Sebastian FrancoProfessor, The City College of the City University of New York在 ccny.cuny.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Kimyeong LeeSchool of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study在 kias.re.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Jung-Wook KimJunior Scientist/Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute在 aei.mpg.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Dongmin GangSeoul National University在 snu.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Mukund RangamaniProfessor of Physics, UC Davis在 ucdavis.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Eunkyung KohSamsung Display在 samsung.com 的电子邮件经过验证
Soo-Jong ReyKwangwoon; IBS; Seoul; Princeton; Yale; KITP; Caltech在 kw.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Dongwook GhimInterdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS), RIKEN在 riken.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Larus ThorlaciusProfessor of Physics, University of Iceland在 hi.is 的电子邮件经过验证
C. Vafa在 g.harvard.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Washington TaylorProfessor of Physics, MIT在 mit.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Nakwoo KimProfessor of Physics, Kyung Hee University在 khu.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Jaehyung ChoiGoldman Sachs在 gs.com 的电子邮件经过验证
Jeong-Hyuck ParkDepartment of Physics, Sogang University, Seoul在 sogang.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Toni MateosFreeverse.io在 freeverse.io 的电子邮件经过验证
Jerome GauntlettProfessor of Theoretical Physics, Imperial College, London在 imperial.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Daniel WaldramProfessor of Theoretical Physics, Imperial College London在 imperial.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Kanghoon LeeAPCTP在 apctp.org 的电子邮件经过验证