Gang Wang
Introduction to micromechanics and nanomechanics
S Li, G Wang
World Scientific, 2008
A ground motion selection and modification method capturing response spectrum characteristics and variability of scenario earthquakes
G Wang
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 31 (4), 611-625, 2011
Microstructure evolution of granular soils in cyclic mobility and post-liquefaction process
G Wang, J Wei
Granular Matter 18 (3), 51, 2016
The Eshelby Tensors in a Finite Spherical Domain—Part I: Theoretical Formulations
S Li, R Sauer, G Wang
Journal of Applied Mechanics 74, 770-783, 2007
Fully probabilistic seismic displacement analysis of spatially distributed slopes using spatially correlated vector intensity measures
W Du, G Wang
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 43 (5), 661-679, 2014
Intra‐Event Spatial Correlations for Cumulative Absolute Velocity, Arias Intensity, and Spectral Accelerations Based on Regional Site Conditions
W Du, G Wang
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 103 (2A), 1117-1129, 2013
A FDEM-based 2D coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical model for multiphysical simulation of rock fracturing
C Yan, X Xie, Y Ren, W Ke, G Wang
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 149, 104964, 2022
SS-XGBoost: A Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Newmark Sliding Displacements of Slopes
MX Wang, D Huang, G Wang, DQ Li
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146 (9), 04020074, 2020
Seismic dynamics of offshore breakwater on liquefiable seabed foundation
J Ye, G Wang
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 76, 86-99, 2015
A one-step Newmark displacement model for probabilistic seismic slope displacement hazard analysis
W Du, G Wang
Engineering Geology 205, 12-23, 2016
Modified Bounding Surface Hypoplasticity Model for Sands under Cyclic Loading
G Wang, Y Xie
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 140 (1), 91-101, 2014
A numerical coupling scheme for nonlinear time history analysis of buildings on a regional scale considering site‐city interaction effects
X Lu, Y Tian, G Wang, D Huang
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2018
Parametric models for 3D topographic amplification of ground motions considering subsurface soils
G Wang, C Du, D Huang, F Jin, RCH Koo, JSH Kwan
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 115, 41-54, 2018
A circular inclusion in a finite domain I. The Dirichlet-Eshelby problem
S Li, R Sauer, G Wang
Acta mechanica 179 (1-2), 67-90, 2005
A resolved CFD-DEM coupling model for modeling two-phase fluids interaction with irregularly shaped particles
Z Shen, G Wang, D Huang, F Jin
Journal of Computational Physics 448, 110695, 2022
Discrete-element method analysis of initial fabric effects on pre-and post-liquefaction behavior of sands
J Wei, G Wang
Géotechnique Letters 7 (2), 161-166, 2017
Microscale Descriptors for Particle-Void Distribution and Jamming Transition in Pre-and Post-Liquefaction of Granular Soils
J Wei, D Huang, G Wang
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 144 (8), 04018067, 2018
Design Ground Motion Library: An Interactive Tool for Selecting Earthquake Ground Motions
G Wang, R Youngs, M Power, Z Li
Earthquake Spectra 31 (2), 617-635, 2015
The effect of amplitude scaling limits on conditional spectrum‐based ground motion selection
W Du, CL Ning, G Wang
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 48 (9), 1030-1044, 2019
A coupled contact heat transfer and thermal cracking model for discontinuous and granular media
C Yan, Y Zheng, D Huang, G Wang
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 375, 113587, 2021
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