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Jamie warnerUniversity of Texas at Austin在 austin.utexas.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Halina Rubinsztein-DunlopProfessor of Physics, the University of Queensland在 physics.uq.edu.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Jason SmithProfessor of Photonic Materials and Devices, University of Oxford在 materials.ox.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
G A D BriggsProfessor of Nanomaterials, University of Oxford在 materials.ox.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Kyriakos Porfyrakis FRSCChemical Engineering, University of Greenwich, and Department of Materials, University of Oxford在 greenwich.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Alexandros StavrinadisResearch Fellow, ICFO - Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Barcelona, Spain在 icfo.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Mark J FerneeInvited researcher, University of Bordeaux 1在 u-bordeaux1.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Hisanori SHINOHARADepartment of Chemistry, Nagoya University在 nagoya-u.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Jacques BothmaGroup Leader, Hubrecht Institute在 hubrecht.eu 的电子邮件经过验证
Prof. Charles G. SmithDepartment of Physics, University of Cambridge and Manager of the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory在 cam.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证