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Lorin M. HittProfessor of Operations and Information Management, Wharton School在 wharton.upenn.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Michael D. SmithJ. Erik Jonsson Professor of Information Technology and Marketing, Carnegie Mellon University在 andrew.cmu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Yannis BakosStern School of Business, New York University在 stern.nyu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Marshall Van AlstyneAllen & Kelli Questrom Professor in IS / Boston University / @InfoEcon在 bu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Yu Jeffrey HuProfessor, Accenture Chair, Purdue University在 purdue.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Sinan AralDavid Austin Professor of Management, Marketing, IT & Data Science, MIT // Director, MIT IDE在 mit.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Daniel RockAssistant Professor, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania在 wharton.upenn.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Adam SaundersRotman School of Management, University of Toronto在 rotman.utoronto.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
John Van ReenenMIT Department of Economics and Sloan Management School在 mit.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Timothy BresnahanStanford University在 stanford.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Nick BloomStanford在 stanford.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Itay Saporta EkstenTel Aviv University在 post.tau.ac.il 的电子邮件经过验证
Lynn WuAssociate Professor, The Wharton School, Upenn在 wharton.upenn.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Kristina McElheranUniversity of Toronto在 utoronto.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Ron JarminDeputy Director, U.S. Census Bureau在 census.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
Tom MitchellFounders University Professor of Machine Learning, Carnegie Mellon University在 cs.cmu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Lucia FosterChief Economist and Chief of the Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau在 census.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
Avinash CollisAssistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University在 cmu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Chad SyversonUniversity of Chicago Booth School of Business在 chicagobooth.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Thomas MalonePatrick J. McGovern Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Mgmt.在 mit.edu 的电子邮件经过验证