Kwek-Tze Tan
X-ray radiography and micro-computed tomography examination of damage characteristics in stitched composites subjected to impact loading
KT Tan, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori
Composites Part B: Engineering 42 (4), 874-884, 2011
Blast-wave impact mitigation using negative effective mass density concept of elastic metamaterials
KT Tan, HH Huang, CT Sun
International Journal of Impact Engineering 64, 20-29, 2014
Optimizing the band gap of effective mass negativity in acoustic metamaterials
KT Tan, HH Huang, CT Sun
Applied Physics Letters 101 (24), 2012
Effect of stitch density and stitch thread thickness on low-velocity impact damage of stitched composites
KT Tan, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 41 (12), 1857-1868, 2010
Effect of stitch density and stitch thread thickness on compression after impact strength and response of stitched composites
KT Tan, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, T Ishikawa
Composites Science and Technology 72 (5), 587-598, 2012
Impact damage resistance, response, and mechanisms of laminated composites reinforced by through-thickness stitching
KT Tan, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori
International Journal of Damage Mechanics 21 (1), 51-80, 2012
Impact damage of composite sandwich structures in arctic condition
M Elamin, B Li, KT Tan
Composite Structures 192, 422-433, 2018
Effect of stitch density and stitch thread thickness on damage progression and failure characteristics of stitched composites under out-of-plane loading
KT Tan, A Yoshimura, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, T Ishikawa
Composites science and technology 74, 194-204, 2013
Low-velocity impact response and compression after impact behavior of tubular composite sandwich structures
C Zhang, KT Tan
Composites Part B: Engineering 193, 108026, 2020
Numerical investigation of band gaps in 3D printed cantilever-in-mass metamaterials
A Qureshi, B Li, KT Tan
Scientific reports 6 (1), 28314, 2016
Interlaminar fracture toughness of vectran-stitched composites-experimental and computational analysis
KT Tan, N Watanabe, M Sano, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi
Journal of composite materials 44 (26), 3203-3229, 2010
Experimental investigation of bridging law for single stitch fibre using Interlaminar tension test
KT Tan, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori
Composite structures 92 (6), 1399-1409, 2010
Understanding effectiveness of stitching in suppression of impact damage: An empirical delamination reduction trend for stitched composites
KT Tan, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, T Ishikawa
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 43 (6), 823-832, 2012
Stitch fiber comparison for improvement of interlaminar fracture toughness in stitched composites
KT Tan, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori
Journal of reinforced plastics and composites 30 (2), 99-109, 2011
Impact load wave transmission in elastic metamaterials
MH Khan, B Li, KT Tan
International Journal of Impact Engineering 118, 50-59, 2018
A novel meta-lattice sandwich structure for dynamic load mitigation
B Li, Y Liu, KT Tan
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 21 (6), 1880-1905, 2019
4D printed shape memory metamaterial for vibration bandgap switching and active elastic-wave guiding
B Li, C Zhang, F Peng, W Wang, BD Vogt, KT Tan
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9 (4), 1164-1173, 2021
Finite element model for compression after impact behaviour of stitched composites
KT Tan, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori
Composites Part B: Engineering 79, 53-60, 2015
Wave propagation in an elastic metamaterial with anisotropic effective mass density
M Jaberzadeh, B Li, KT Tan
Wave Motion 89, 131-141, 2019
Tailoring the thermal conductivity in nanophononic metamaterials
B Li, KT Tan, J Christensen
Physical Review B 95 (14), 144305, 2017
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