Shasha Zhou
Shasha Zhou
Zhejiang University of Finances and Economics
在 utexas.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
The order effect on online review helpfulness: A social influence perspective
S Zhou, B Guo
Decision Support Systems 93, 77-87, 2017
How background visual complexity influences purchase intention in live streaming: The mediating role of emotion and the moderating role of gender
X Tong, Y Chen, S Zhou, S Yang
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 67, 103031, 2022
What makes population perception of review helpfulness: an information processing perspective
B Guo, S Zhou
Electronic Commerce Research 17, 585-608, 2017
What drives consumers’ purchase intention of online paid knowledge? A stimulus-organism-response perspective
S Zhou, T Li, S Yang, Y Chen
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 52, 101126, 2022
Why do college students continue to use mobile learning? Learning involvement and self‐determination theory
S Yang, S Zhou, X Cheng
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (2), 626-637, 2019
How information technology capability and knowledge integration capability interact to affect business model design: A polynomial regression with response surface analysis
J Guo, S Zhou, J Chen, Q Chen
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 170, 120935, 2021
Understanding the impact of prior reviews on subsequent reviews: The role of rating volume, variance and reviewer characteristics
B Guo, S Zhou
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 20, 147-158, 2016
Investigating the determinants of performance of artificial intelligence adoption in hospitality industry during COVID-19
Y Chen, Y Hu, S Zhou, S Yang
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 35 (8), 2868-2889, 2023
Investigating the determinants of medical crowdfunding performance: a signaling theory perspective
Y Chen, S Zhou, W Jin, S Chen
Internet Research 33 (3), 1134-1156, 2023
The interactive effect of review rating and text sentiment on review helpfulness
S Zhou, B Guo
E-Commerce and Web Technologies: 16th International Conference on Electronic …, 2015
How does topic consistency affect online review helpfulness? The role of review emotional intensity
C Zhou, S Yang, Y Chen, S Zhou, Y Li, A Qazi
Electronic Commerce Research 23, 2943–2978, 2023
李枫林, 周莎莎
图书情报工作 55 (20), 48-51, 2011
Personalized managerial response and negative inconsistent review helpfulness: The mediating effect of perceived response helpfulness
W Jin, Y Chen, S Yang, S Zhou, H Jiang, J Wei
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 74, 103398, 2023
Does managerial response moderate the relationship between online review characteristics and review helpfulness?
Y Chen, W Jin, Y Hu, S Zhou, S Yang
Current Issues in Tourism 25 (16), 2679-2694, 2022
Re-examining the role of attitude in information system acceptance: a model from the satisfaction–dissatisfaction perspective
B Guo, S Zhou
Enterprise Information Systems 10 (4), 444-466, 2016
Will reviewer recommendation source and cured status bias review helpfulness in online health community?
Y Hu, S Zhou
Online Information Review 47 (4), 680-696, 2023
Do atmospheric cues matter in live streaming e-commerce? An eye-tracking investigation
X Tong, Y Chen, S Zhou, S Yang, H Jiang
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 62, 101334, 2023
The effect of social dynamics in online review voting behavior
S Zhou, L Tu
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 69, 103120, 2022
Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic cues on customer behavior in live streaming: evidence from an eye-tracking experiment
Y Chen, X Tong, S Yang, S Zhou
Industrial Management & Data Systems 123 (9), 2397-2422, 2023
How online review environment affects review generation behavior: A competing for attention perspective
S Zhou, L Tu
Telematics and Informatics 81, 101984, 2023
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