Made Sri Yuliartini
Made Sri Yuliartini
Prodi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Warmadewa
在 warmadewa.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Identification of development phases and changes shoots flowering orange siam plants
NPA Sulistiawati, L Kartini, MS Yuliartini
International Journal of Life Sciences 1 (2), 28-38, 2017
Peningkatan hasil tanaman okra dengan pemberian pupuk kompos dan NPK
MS Yuliartini, KA Sudewa, L Kartini, ER Praing
Gema Agro 23 (1), 11-17, 2018
Pengaruh jarak tanam dan pupuk kompos pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang merah
C Anggarayasa, MS Yuliartini, AASPR Andriani
Gema Agro 23 (2), 162-166, 2018
Response to growth and yield melon plant (Cucumis melo L.) in the giving of rabbit urine and KNO 3
IK Sunadra, N Mudra, A Wirajaya, MS Yuliartini, L Kartini, IGB Udayana, ...
Seas (Suistainable Environment Agricultural Sciences) 3 (2), 106-112, 2019
Effect of rabbit compost and NPK on the growth and yield of Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.)
IPTS Adi, MS Yuliartini, IGB Udayana
SEAS (Sustainable Environment Agricultural Science) 4 (2), 151-156, 2020
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Atonik dan Dosis Pupuk Kandang Sapi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) Sistem Prenursery
KS Darmawan, IGB Udayana, AANM Wirajaya, MS Yuliartini
Gema Agro 25 (1), 17-22, 2020
Utilization of rabbit manure and biochar chicken manure and its effect on the growth and yield of pakchoy plants
IM Mesa, YP Situmeang, A Wirajaya, IGB Udayana, MS Yuliartini
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (1), 012045, 2021
Pemberian Pupuk Organik Dan Anorganik Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Padi (Oryza sativa L.) Dengan Sistem Of Rice Intensification (SRI)
NWN Sunarianti, MS Yuliartini, AASPR Andriani
Gema Agro 26 (1), 50-55, 2021
Application of biochar and compost to changes in physical and chemical properties of soil and corn yield on dry land
I Putra, YP Situmeang, MS Yuliartini, IGB Udayana
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (5), 055029, 2019
Pengaruh Berbagai Jenis Mulsa Dan Aplikasi Pupuk NPK Mutiara Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum, L.)
KA Kristiyanti, L Kartini, MS Yuliartini
Gema Agro 26 (1), 66-71, 2021
Arrangement of growing space in rows and application of liquid organic fertilizer to intercropping yields of onions and soybeans
MS Yuliartini, L Kartini, AANM Wirajaya
International Journal of Life Sciences 5 (2), 59-65, 2021
Granting of several types of cash fertilizer and distribution of apical approaches to growth: results of flour plants (Capsicum frutescens L.)
AANM Wirajaya, MS Yuliartini, L Kartini
International Journal of Life Sciences 2 (3), 59-65, 2018
Aplikasi jenis dan dosis pupuk organik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman sawi putih (Brassica pekinensia L)
IMY Martadinata, IGB Udayana, MS Yuliartini
Gema Agro 26 (2), 119-125, 2021
Models Application of Fertilization on Onion and Okra Cropping Pattern as A Barier Plant
MS Yuliartini, L Kartini
WARDS 2020: Proceedings of the 3rd Warmadewa Research and Development …, 2021
Application of manure types in breeding several varieties of chili (Capsicum frutescens L.)
MS Yuliartini, A Wirajaya, A Assegaf, YP Situmeang
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (1), 012039, 2021
PKM Pemanfaatan Kotoran Kelinci Pada Kelompok Tani Ternak Di Kawasan Wisata Desa Pancasari-Kecamatan Sukasada Kabupaten Buleleng, Provinsi Bali
AAM Wirajaya, MS Yuliartini, IDN Sudita
WICAKSANA: Jurnal Lingkungan dan Pembangunan 4 (2), 7-20, 2020
Aplikasi Biochar, Kompos, dan Phonska Terhadap Kelayakan Hasil Jagung di Lahan Kering
YP Situmeang, AAS Risa Andriani, M Suarta, MS Yuliartini, NMD Resiani
Buletin Teknologi dan Informasi Pertanian 15 (44), 1-7, 2017
The potential of bamboo & bamboo-waste as source of supply feedstock community based biomass fuel cell at bangli regency–bali province
YP Situmeang, I Udayana, AA Wirajaya, M Suarta, IN Suaria, MS Yuliartini, ...
Mulching Technology and Giving NPK Fertilizer to Increase The Growth and Yield of Shallots
L Kartini, MS Yuliartini
WARDS 2020: Proceedings of the 3rd Warmadewa Research and Development …, 2021
Performance of neem (Azadirachta indica) seedlings on compost and urea fertilizer dose treatment
IMA Widnyana, IBK Mahardika, M Suarta, L Kartini, MS Yuliartini, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (1), 012048, 2021
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