H.J. Kim

HJ Kim

Professor of Physics, Kyungpook National University
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被引用 603346 次
Joey Huston

Joey Huston

Michigan State University
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被引用 467078 次
Haijun Yang

Haijun Yang

Professor of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
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被引用 450695 次
Andrea Ventura

Andrea Ventura

Associate Professor of Experimental Physics, Università del Salento (UniSalento) & INFN …
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被引用 450676 次
Yuri A. Kulchitsky

Yuri A. Kulchitsky

Dr.Sc., Prof., Head of sector at DLNP, JINR; Institute of Physics, Academy, Belarus; CERN
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被引用 437882 次
Silvia Behar Harpaz

Silvia Behar Harpaz

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被引用 435233 次
Francisco Matorras

Francisco Matorras

IFCA, Universidad de Cantabria - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
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被引用 432735 次
Hao Liu

Hao Liu

PHD student in Physics, University of Michigan
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被引用 429840 次
Andreas Warburton

Andreas Warburton

Professor of Physics, McGill University
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被引用 420641 次
Eric Torrence

Eric Torrence

University of Oregon
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被引用 415074 次
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