Yitzchak Rosen
Yitzchak Rosen
Casali Center for Applied Chemistry Institute of Chemistry The Center for Nanoscience and
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Self-reducing copper precursor inks and photonic additive yield conductive patterns under intense pulsed light
YS Rosen, A Yakushenko, A Offenhäusser, S Magdassi
ACS omega 2 (2), 573-581, 2017
Thin copper flakes for conductive inks prepared by decomposition of copper formate and ultrafine wet milling
Y Rosen, R Marrach, V Gutkin, S Magdassi
Advanced Materials Technologies 4 (1), 1800426, 2019
Printing a Self‐Reducing Copper Precursor on 2D and 3D Objects to Yield Copper Patterns with 50% Copper's Bulk Conductivity
Y Rosen, M Grouchko, S Magdassi
Advanced Materials Interfaces 2 (3), 1400448, 2015
Screen printable, non-fire-through copper paste applied as busbar metallization for back contact solar cells
D Rudolph, R Farneda, T Timofte, A Halm, N Chen, J Libal, F Buchholz, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2709 (1), 2022
Over 6% Efficient Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cell Screen-Printed from Oxides on Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide
V Sousa, BF Gonçalves, YS Rosen, J Virtuoso, P Anacleto, MF Cerqueira, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (4), 3120-3126, 2020
Thermal Stable High‐Efficiency Copper Screen Printed Back Contact Solar Cells
N Chen, D Rudolph, C Peter, M Zeman, O Isabella, Y Rosen, M Grouchko, ...
Solar RRL 7 (2), 2200874, 2023
Copper interconnections and antennas fabricated by hot-pressing printed copper formate
YS Rosen, Y Lidor, R Balter, A Szeskin, A Awadallah, ...
Flexible and Printed Electronics 2 (3), 035007, 2017
Effect of carboxylic acids on reactive transfer printing of copper formate ink
YS Rosen, S Magdassi
MRS Advances 3 (5), 261-267, 2018
Operation of NiO/β-(Al0. 21Ga0. 79) 2O3/Ga2O3 Heterojunction Lateral Rectifiers at up to 225 C
YS Rosen, Y Lidor, R Balter
Over 6% Efficient Cu (In, Ga) Se2 Solar Cell Screen-Printed from Oxides on FTO
V Sousa, BF Gonçalves, YS Rosen, J Virtuoso, P Anacletoa, ...
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