Waliur Rahaman
Waliur Rahaman
Scientist, National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, Goa
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The dominant role of extreme precipitation events in Antarctic snowfall variability
J Turner, T Phillips, M Thamban, W Rahaman, GJ Marshall, JD Wille, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (6), 3502-3511, 2019
Climate control on erosion distribution over the Himalaya during the past~ 100 ka
W Rahaman, SK Singh, R Sinha, SK Tandon
Geology 37 (6), 559-562, 2009
Piecing together the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River delta: Use of sediment provenance to reconstruct the history and interaction of multiple fluvial systems during Holocene …
SL Goodbred Jr, PM Paolo, MS Ullah, RD Pate, SR Khan, SA Kuehl, ...
Bulletin 126 (11-12), 1495-1510, 2014
Dissolved Mo and U in rivers and estuaries of India: Implication to geochemistry of redox sensitive elements and their marine budgets
W Rahaman, SK Singh, S Raghav
Chemical Geology 278 (3-4), 160-172, 2010
Sr and 87Sr/86Sr in estuaries of western India: Impact of submarine groundwater discharge
W Rahaman, SK Singh
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 85, 275-288, 2012
Geochemical characterization of modern aeolian dust over the Northeastern Arabian Sea: Implication for dust transport in the Arabian Sea
A Kumar, K Suresh, W Rahaman
Science of the Total Environment 729, 138576, 2020
Dissolved major ions, Sr and 87Sr/86Sr of coastal lakes from Larsemann hills, East Antarctica: Solute sources and chemical weathering in a polar environment
M Nuruzzama, W Rahaman, S Patil, GR TRIPATHY, R Mohan
Wiley, 2020
Recent advances in MC-ICP-MS applications in Earth and environmental sciences: Challenges and solutions
V Balarama, W Rahaman, P Roy
Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 2021
Moisture Sources for Precipitation and Hydrograph Components of the Sutri Dhaka Glacier Basin, Western Himalayas
AT Singh, W Rahaman, P Sharma, CM Laluraj, LK Patel, B Pratap, ...
Water 11 (2242), doi:10.3390/w11112242, 2019
Denudation rates and the degree of chemical weathering in the Ganga River basin from ratios of meteoric cosmogenic 10Be to stable 9Be
W Rahaman, H Wittmann, F von Blanckenburg
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 469, 156-169, 2017
Increased influence of ENSO on Antarctic temperature since the Industrial Era
W Rahaman, S Chatterjee, T Ejaz, M Thamban
Scientific reports 9 (1), 6006, 2019
Molybdenum isotopes in two Indian estuaries: Mixing characteristics and input to oceans
W Rahaman, V Goswami, SK Singh, VK Rai
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 141, 407-422, 2014
Trace elements and Sr, Nd isotope compositions of surface sediments in the Indian Ocean: an evaluation of sources and processes for sediment transport and dispersal
S Subha Anand, W Rahaman, N Lathika, M Thamban, S Patil, R Mohan
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20 (6), 3090-3112, 2019
Rhenium in rivers and estuaries of India: Sources, transport and behaviour
W Rahaman, SK Singh
Marine Chemistry 118 (1-2), 1-10, 2010
Sr, C and O isotopes in carbonate nodules from the Ganga Plain: Evidence for recent abrupt rise in dissolved 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Ganga
W Rahaman, SK Singh, R Sinha, SK Tandon
Chemical Geology 285 (1-4), 184-193, 2011
Deep water circulation in the Arabian Sea during the last glacial cycle: Implications for paleo-redox condition, carbon sink and atmospheric CO2 variability
N Lathika, W Rahaman, M Tarique, N Gandhi, A Kumar, M Thamban
Quaternary Science Reviews 257, 106853, 2021
Rhenium in Indian rivers: Sources, fluxes, and contribution to oceanic budget
W Rahaman, SK Singh, AD Shukla
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13 (8), 2012
Submarine groundwater discharge to a tropical coastal lagoon (Chilika lagoon, India): An estimation using Sr isotopes
M Danish, GR Tripathy, W Rahaman
Marine Chemistry 224, 103816, 2020
Surface pH record (1990–2013) of the Arabian Sea from boron isotopes of Lakshadweep corals—trend, variability, and control
M Tarique, W Rahaman, AA Fousiya, N Lathika, M Thamban, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126 (7), e2020JG006122, 2021
Twentieth-century sea ice variability in the Weddell Sea and its effect on moisture transport: Evidence from a coastal East Antarctic ice core record
W Rahaman, Laluraj, M Thamban CM
The Holocene, 2016
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