Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo
Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo
Information & Computing Lab, AtlanTTIC research center, Universidade de Vigo
在 det.uvigo.es 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
A social gamification framework for a K-6 learning platform
J Simões, RD Redondo, AF Vilas
Computers in human behavior 29 (2), 345-353, 2013
Integrating micro-learning content in traditional e-learning platforms
RP Díaz Redondo, M Caeiro Rodríguez, JJ López Escobar, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (2), 3121-3151, 2021
Enhancing residential gateways: OSGi service composition
RPD Redondo, AF Vilas, MR Cabrer, JJP Arias, MR Lopez
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 53 (1), 87-95, 2007
A flexible semantic inference methodology to reason about user preferences in knowledge-based recommender systems
Y Blanco-Fernández, JJ Pazos-Arias, A Gil-Solla, M Ramos-Cabrer, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 21 (4), 305-320, 2008
Enhancing residential gateways: OSGi service composition
RP Diaz Redondo, AF Vilas, MR Cabrer, JJ Pazos Arias, MR Lopez
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 53 (1), 87-95, 2007
Pneumonia detection on chest X-ray images using ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks
A Mabrouk, RP Diaz Redondo, A Dahou, M Abd Elaziz, M Kayed
Applied Sciences 12 (13), 6448, 2022
Group recommender systems: new perspectives in the social web
JJ Pazos Arias, A Fernández Vilas, RP Díaz Redondo, I Cantador, ...
Recommender systems for the social web, 139-157, 2012
Teoría de colas y simulación de eventos discretos
JJP Arias, AS González, RPD Redondo
Pearson Educación, 2003
Controlling the smart home from TV
MR Cabrer, RPD Redondo, AF Vilas, JJP Arias, JG Duque
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 52 (2), 421-429, 2006
Exploiting synergies between semantic reasoning and personalization strategies in intelligent recommender systems: A case study
Y Blanco-Fernández, JJ Pazos-Arias, A Gil-Solla, M Ramos-Cabrer, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 81 (12), 2371-2385, 2008
Enhancing residential gateways: a semantic OSGi platform
RPD Redondo, AF Vilas, MR Cabrer, JJP Arias, JG Duque, AG Solla
IEEE Intelligent Systems 23 (1), 32-40, 2008
An extension to the ADL SCORM standard to support adaptivity: The t-learning case-study
M Rey-López, RP Díaz-Redondo, A Fernández-Vilas, JJ Pazos-Arias, ...
Computer Standards & Interfaces 31 (2), 309-318, 2009
Sensing the city with Instagram: Clustering geolocated data for outlier detection
DR Domínguez, RPD Redondo, AF Vilas, MB Khalifa
Expert systems with applications 78, 319-333, 2017
Provision of distance learning services over Interactive Digital TV with MHP
JJ Pazos-Arias, M López-Nores, J García-Duque, RP Díaz-Redondo, ...
Computers & Education 50 (3), 927-949, 2008
Resolving the problem of intelligent learning content in learning management systems
M Rey-López, P Brusilovsky, M Meccawy, R Díaz-Redondo, ...
International Journal on E-Learning 7 (3), 363-381, 2008
AVATAR: An advanced multi-agent recommender system of personalized TV contents by semantic reasoning
Y Blanco-Fernández, JJ Pazos-Arias, A Gil-Solla, M Ramos-Cabrer, ...
Web Information Systems–WISE 2004: 5th International Conference on Web …, 2004
Deep learning-based sentiment classification: A comparative survey
A Mabrouk, RPD Redondo, M Kayed
IEEE Access 8, 85616-85638, 2020
T-MAESTRO and its authoring tool: using adaptation to integrate entertainment into personalized t-learning
M Rey-López, RP Díaz-Redondo, A Fernández-Vilas, JJ Pazos-Arias, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 40 (3), 409-451, 2008
A model for personalized learning through IDTV
M Rey-López, A Fernández-Vilas, RP Díaz-Redondo
International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based …, 2006
Machine learning based classification approach for predicting students performance in blended learning
CG Nespereira, E Elhariri, N El-Bendary, AF Vilas, RPD Redondo
The 1st International Conference on Advanced Intelligent System and …, 2016
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