Guillaume Vignat
Guillaume Vignat
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
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The suitability of different swirl number definitions for describing swirl flows: Accurate, common and (over-) simplified formulations
G Vignat, D Durox, S Candel
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 89, 100969, 2022
Improvement of lean blow out performance of spray and premixed swirled flames using nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges
G Vignat, N Minesi, PR Soundararajan, D Durox, A Renaud, V Blanchard, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (4), 6559-6566, 2021
High amplitude combustion instabilities in an annular combustor inducing pressure field deformation and flame blow off
G Vignat, D Durox, A Renaud, S Candel
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 142 (1), 011016, 2020
An experimental study into the effect of injector pressure loss on self-sustained combustion instabilities in a swirled spray burner
G Vignat, D Durox, K Prieur, S Candel
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (4), 5205-5213, 2019
Combustion of lean ammonia-hydrogen fuel blends in a porous media burner
G Vignat, B Akoush, ER Toro, E Boigné, M Ihme
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (4), 4195-4204, 2023
Flame and spray dynamics during the light-round process in an annular system equipped with multiple swirl spray injectors
K Prieur, G Vignat, D Durox, T Schuller, S Candel
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 141 (6), 061007, 2019
Swirler effects on combustion instabilities analyzed with measured FDFs, injector impedances and damping rates
PR Soundararajan, D Durox, A Renaud, G Vignat, S Candel
Combustion and Flame 238, 111947, 2022
Combustion dynamics of annular systems
G Vignat, D Durox, T Schuller, S Candel
Combustion Science and Technology 192 (7), 1358-1388, 2020
Experimental and numerical investigation of flame stabilization and pollutant formation in matrix stabilized ammonia-hydrogen combustion
G Vignat, T Zirwes, ER Toro, K Younes, E Boigné, P Muhunthan, L Simitz, ...
Combustion and Flame 250, 112642, 2023
Effect of different fuels on combustion instabilities in an annular combustor
P Rajendram Soundararajan, G Vignat, D Durox, A Renaud, S Candel
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143 (3), 031007, 2021
Dynamics of spray and swirling flame under acoustic oscillations: A joint experimental and LES investigation
G Vignat, EL Schiavo, D Laera, A Renaud, L Gicquel, D Durox, S Candel
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (4), 6015-6024, 2021
A joint experimental and large eddy simulation characterization of the liquid fuel spray in a swirl injector
G Vignat, P Rajendram Soundararajan, D Durox, A Vié, A Renaud, ...
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143 (8), 081019, 2021
Investigation of transient PVC dynamics in a strongly swirled spray flame using high speed planar laser imaging of SnO2 microparticles
G Vignat, D Durox, A Renaud, T Lancien, R Vicquelin, S Candel
Combustion and Flame 225, 305-319, 2021
Large-eddy simulation of flame dynamics during the ignition of a swirling injector unit and comparison with experiments
K Töpperwien, F Collin-Bastiani, E Riber, B Cuenot, G Vignat, K Prieur, ...
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143 (2), 021015, 2021
Experimental determinations of Flame Describing Functions of swirling spray flames
K Prieur, D Durox, G Vignat, T Schuller, S Candel
Colloque INCA, 2017
Do flame describing functions suitably represent combustion dynamics under self-sustained oscillations?
PR Soundararajan, G Vignat, D Durox, A Renaud, S Candel
Journal of Sound and Vibration 534, 117034, 2022
Dynamics and structure of detonations in stratified product-gas diluted mixtures
D Brouzet, G Vignat, M Ihme
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (3), 2855-2864, 2023
Integrated experimental and computational analysis of porous media combustion by combining gas-phase synchrotron μCT, IR-imaging, and pore-resolved simulations
E Boigné, T Zirwes, DY Parkinson, G Vignat, P Muhunthan, HS Barnard, ...
Combustion and Flame 259, 113132, 2024
Injection and combustion dynamics in swirled spray flames and azimuthal coupling in annular combustors
G Vignat
Université Paris-Saclay, 2020
Analysis of weak secondary waves in a rotating detonation engine using large-eddy simulation and wavenumber-domain filtering
G Vignat, D Brouzet, M Bonanni, M Ihme
Combustion and Flame 263, 113387, 2024
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