Li-ching Wu
Li-ching Wu
在 ncu.edu.tw 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Characterization and identification of antimicrobial peptides with different functional activities
CR Chung, TR Kuo, LC Wu, TY Lee, JT Horng
Briefings in bioinformatics 21 (3), 1098-1114, 2020
dbAMP 2.0: updated resource for antimicrobial peptides with an enhanced scanning method for genomic and proteomic data
JH Jhong, L Yao, Y Pang, Z Li, CR Chung, R Wang, S Li, W Li, M Luo, ...
Nucleic acids research 50 (D1), D460-D470, 2022
EuLoc: a web-server for accurately predict protein subcellular localization in eukaryotes by incorporating various features of sequence segments into the general form of Chou’s …
TH Chang, LC Wu, TY Lee, SP Chen, HD Huang, JT Horng
Journal of computer-aided molecular design 27, 91-103, 2013
Computational identification of riboswitches based on RNA conserved functional sequences and conformations
TH Chang, HD Huang, LC Wu, CT Yeh, BJ Liu, JT Horng
Rna 15 (7), 1426-1430, 2009
In vitro and in vivo suppression of growth of rat liver epithelial tumor cells by antisense oligonucleotide against protein kinase C-α
SB Lin, LC Wu, SL Huang, HL Hsu, SH Hsieh, CW Chi, LC Au
Journal of hepatology 33 (4), 601-608, 2000
A novel preprocessing method using Hilbert Huang transform for MALDI-TOF and SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry data
LC Wu, HH Chen, JT Horng, C Lin, NE Huang, YC Cheng, KF Cheng
PLoS One 5 (8), e12493, 2010
Characterization and prediction of mRNA polyadenylation sites in human genes
TH Chang, LC Wu, YT Chen, HD Huang, BJ Liu, KF Cheng, JT Horng
Medical & biological engineering & computing 49, 463-472, 2011
CCM111 prevents hepatic fibrosis via cooperative inhibition of TGF-β, Wnt and STAT3 signaling pathways
IY Lin, YS Chiou, LC Wu, CY Tsai, CT Chen, WC Chuang, MC Lee, ...
journal of food and drug analysis 27 (1), 184-194, 2019
Incorporating hybrid models into lysine malonylation sites prediction on mammalian and plant proteins
CR Chung, YP Chang, YL Hsu, S Chen, LC Wu, JT Horng, TY Lee
Scientific reports 10 (1), 10541, 2020
Prediction of small non-coding RNA in bacterial genomes using support vector machines
TH Chang, LC Wu, JH Lin, HD Huang, BJ Liu, KF Cheng, JT Horng
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (8), 5549-5557, 2010
Cloud-based artificial intelligence system for large-scale arrhythmia screening
CH Tseng, C Lin, HC Chang, CC Liu, BMF Serafico, LC Wu, CT Lin, T Hsu, ...
Computer 52 (11), 40-51, 2019
Identifying discriminative amino acids within the hemagglutinin of human influenza A H5N1 virus using a decision tree
LC Wu, JT Horng, HD Huang, WL Chen
Ieee Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 12 (6), 689-695, 2008
Multi-label classification and features investigation of antimicrobial peptides with various functional classes
CR Chung, JT Liou, LC Wu, JT Horng, TY Lee
Iscience 26 (12), 2023
Data-driven two-stage framework for identification and characterization of different antibiotic-resistant escherichia coli isolates based on mass spectrometry data
CR Chung, HY Wang, CH Yao, LC Wu, JJ Lu, JT Horng, TY Lee
Microbiology spectrum 11 (3), e03479-22, 2023
MDRSA: A Web Based-Tool for Rapid Identification of Multidrug Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Based on Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of …
CR Chung, Z Wang, JM Weng, HY Wang, LC Wu, YJ Tseng, CH Chen, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 766206, 2021
Towards accurate identification of antibiotic-resistant pathogens through the ensemble of multiple preprocessing methods based on MALDI-TOF spectra
CR Chung, HY Wang, PH Chou, LC Wu, JJ Lu, JT Horng, TY Lee
International journal of molecular sciences 24 (2), 998, 2023
Novel bioinformatics approaches for analysis of high-throughput biological data
JTY Weng, LC Wu, WC Chang, TH Chang, T Akutsu, TY Lee
BioMed research international 2014, 814092, 2014
An expert system to identify co-regulated gene groups from time-lagged gene clusters using cell cycle expression data
LC Wu, JL Huang, JT Horng, HD Huang
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (3), 2202-2213, 2010
AI-assisted literature exploration of innovative Chinese medicine formulas
MC Chung, LJ Su, CL Chen, LC Wu
Frontiers in Pharmacology 15, 1347882, 2024
Comparative functional genomic analysis of Alzheimer’s affected and naturally aging brains
YS Peng, CW Tang, YY Peng, H Chang, CL Chen, SL Guo, LC Wu, ...
PeerJ 8, e8682, 2020
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