Alexander Khain
Alexander Khain
在 mail.huji.ac.il 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
Aerosol impact on the dynamics and microphysics of deep convective clouds
A Khain, D Rosenfeld, A Pokrovsky
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2005
Simulation of effects of atmospheric aerosols on deep turbulent convective clouds using a spectral microphysics mixed-phase cumulus cloud model. Part I: Model description and …
A Khain, A Pokrovsky, M Pinsky, A Seifert, V Phillips
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 61 (24), 2963-2982, 2004
Notes on the state-of-the-art numerical modeling of cloud microphysics
A Khain, M Ovtchinnikov, M Pinsky, A Pokrovsky, H Krugliak
Atmospheric Research 55 (3-4), 159-224, 2000
Factors determining the impact of aerosols on surface precipitation from clouds: An attempt at classification
AP Khain, N BenMoshe, A Pokrovsky
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 65 (6), 1721-1748, 2008
Representation of microphysical processes in cloud‐resolving models: Spectral (bin) microphysics versus bulk parameterization
AP Khain, KD Beheng, A Heymsfield, A Korolev, SO Krichak, Z Levin, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 53 (2), 247-322, 2015
Role of atmospheric aerosol concentration on deep convective precipitation: Cloud‐resolving model simulations
WK Tao, X Li, A Khain, T Matsui, S Lang, J Simpson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D24), 2007
Dominant role by vertical wind shear in regulating aerosol effects on deep convective clouds
J Fan, T Yuan, JM Comstock, S Ghan, A Khain, LR Leung, Z Li, VJ Martins, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D22), 2009
Microphysics, radiation and surface processes in the Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE) model
WK Tao, J Simpson, D Baker, S Braun, MD Chou, B Ferrier, D Johnson, ...
Notes on state-of-the-art investigations of aerosol effects on precipitation: a critical review
AP Khain
Environmental Research Letters 4 (1), 015004, 2009
The role of sea spray in cleansing air pollution over ocean via cloud processes
D Rosenfeld, R Lahav, A Khain, M Pinsky
science 297 (5587), 1667-1670, 2002
The anatomy and physics of Z DR columns: Investigating a polarimetric radar signature with a spectral bin microphysical model
MR Kumjian, AP Khain, N Benmoshe, E Ilotoviz, AV Ryzhkov, VTJ Phillips
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53 (7), 1820-1843, 2014
Polarimetric radar observation operator for a cloud model with spectral microphysics
A Ryzhkov, M Pinsky, A Pokrovsky, A Khain
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 50 (4), 873-894, 2011
Collision efficiency of drops in a wide range of Reynolds numbers: Effects of pressure on spectrum evolution
M Pinsky, A Khain, M Shapiro
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 58 (7), 742-764, 2001
Spectral (bin) microphysics coupled with a mesoscale model (MM5). Part I: Model description and first results
BH Lynn, AP Khain, J Dudhia, D Rosenfeld, A Pokrovsky, A Seifert
Monthly Weather Review 133 (1), 44-58, 2005
Effects of in‐cloud nucleation and turbulence on droplet spectrum formation in cumulus clouds
MB Pinsky, AP Khain
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2002
Aerosol effects on intensity of landfalling hurricanes as seen from simulations with the WRF model with spectral bin microphysics
A Khain, B Lynn, J Dudhia
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 67 (2), 365-384, 2010
Polarimetric radar characteristics of melting hail. Part I: Theoretical simulations using spectral microphysical modeling
AV Ryzhkov, MR Kumjian, SM Ganson, AP Khain
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 52 (12), 2849-2870, 2013
Effects of aerosols on precipitation from orographic clouds
B Lynn, A Khain, D Rosenfeld, WL Woodley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D10), 2007
Aerosol effects on microstructure and intensity of tropical cyclones
D Rosenfeld, WL Woodley, A Khain, WR Cotton, G Carrió, I Ginis, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 93 (7), 987-1001, 2012
Simulating convective clouds with sustained supercooled liquid water down to− 37.5 C using a spectral microphysics model
AP Khain, D Rosenfeld, A Pokrovsky
Geophysical Research Letters 28 (20), 3887-3890, 2001
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