Sayan Chakrabarty
Sayan Chakrabarty
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Bioenergy from Cotton Industry Wastes: A review and potential
I Hamawand, G Sandell, P Pittaway, S Chakrabarty, T Yusaf, G Chen, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66, 435-448, 2016
Factors associated with stunting and wasting in children under 2 years in Bangladesh
TR Chowdhury, S Chakrabarty, M Rakib, S Afrin, S Saltmarsh, S Winn
Heliyon 6 (9), e04849, 2020
Financial viability and eco-efficiency of the solar home systems (SHS) in Bangladesh
S Chakrabarty, T Islam
Energy 36 (8), 4821-4827, 2011
Socio-economic risk factors for early childhood underweight in Bangladesh
TR Chowdhury, S Chakrabarty, M Rakib, S Saltmarsh, KA Davis
Globalization and health 14 (1), 54, 2018
Beginning teacher support in Australia: Towards an online community to augment current support
N Kelly, S Reushle, S Chakrabarty, A Kinnane
Australian Journal of Teacher Education 39 (4), 68-82, 2014
Economic viability of biogas and green self-employment opportunities
S Chakrabarty, FIMM Boksh, A Chakraborty
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 28, 757-766, 2013
Socioeconomic correlates of overweight and obesity among ever-married urban women in Bangladesh
TS Tanwi, S Chakrabarty, S Hasanuzzaman, S Saltmarsh, S Winn
BMC public health 19 (1), 842, 2019
Assessing willingness to pay for health care quality improvements
MS Pavel, S Chakrabarty, J Gow
BMC health services research 15 (1), 43, 2015
Double burden of malnutrition among ever-married women in Bangladesh: a pooled analysis
TS Tanwi, S Chakrabarty, S Hasanuzzaman
BMC women's health 19 (1), 24, 2019
Child labor in carpet weaving: impact of social labeling in India and Nepal
S Chakrabarty, U Grote
World Development 37 (10), 1683-1693, 2009
Cost of illness for outpatients attending public and private hospitals in Bangladesh
MS Pavel, S Chakrabarty, J Gow
International Journal for Equity in Health 15 (1), 167, 2016
A Critical Review on Processes and Energy Profile of the Australian Meat Processing Industry
I Hamawand, A Ghadouani, J Bundschuh, S Hamawand, RA Al Juboori, ...
Energies 10 (5), 731, 2017
Investigation of ethanol production potential from lignocellulosic material without enzymatic hydrolysis using the ultrasound technique
M Kandasamy, I Hamawand, L Bowtell, S Seneweera, S Chakrabarty, ...
Energies 10 (1), 62, 2017
Does social labelling encourage child schooling and discourage child labour in Nepal?
S Chakrabarty, U Grote, G Lüchters
International Journal of Educational Development 31 (5), 489-495, 2011
Risk factors for child stunting in Bangladesh: an analysis using MICS 2019 data
TR Chowdhury, S Chakrabarty, M Rakib, S Winn, J Bennie
Archives of Public Health 80 (1), 1-12, 2022
Waste management in the meat processing industry: Conversion of paunch and DAF sludge into solid fuel
I Hamawand, P Pittaway, L Lewis, S Chakrabarty, J Caldwell, J Eberhard, ...
Waste Management 60, 340-350, 2017
Does micro credit increase child labour in absence of micro insurance?
S Chakrabarty
International Labour Office, 2012
Dietary habits, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour of children of employed mothers: A systematic review
S Afrin, AB Mullens, S Chakrabarty, L Bhoumik, SJH Biddle
Preventive Medicine Reports 24, 101607, 2021
A nexus between child labour and microfinance: an empirical investigation
S Chakrabarty
Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 34 (1-2), 76-91, 2015
Anecdotes, experience, and'learning by osmosis': The role of professional cultures in preparing teachers for parent-school engagement
S Saltmarsh, AK McPherson, S Chakrabarty, S Winn, D Saltmarsh
Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online) 44 (12), 22-37, 2019
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