Kuo-Hui Yeh
Kuo-Hui Yeh
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
在 nycu.edu.tw 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
A secure IoT-based healthcare system with body sensor networks
KH Yeh
IEEE access 4, 10288-10299, 2016
A blockchain connected gateway for BLE-based devices in the internet of things
SC Cha, JF Chen, C Su, KH Yeh
ieee access 6, 24639-24649, 2018
Security and privacy in IoT-cloud-based e-health systems—A comprehensive review
C Butpheng, KH Yeh, H Xiong
Symmetry 12 (7), 1191, 2020
Lightweight IoT-based authentication scheme in cloud computing circumstance
L Zhou, X Li, KH Yeh, C Su, W Chiu
Future generation computer systems 91, 244-251, 2019
On the design of blockchain-based ECDSA with fault-tolerant batch verification protocol for blockchain-enabled IoMT
H Xiong, C Jin, M Alazab, KH Yeh, H Wang, TR Gadekallu, W Wang, C Su
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 26 (5), 1977-1986, 2021
Attacks and solutions on a three-party password-based authenticated key exchange protocol for wireless communications
CM Chen, KH Wang, KH Yeh, B Xiang, TY Wu
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10, 3133-3142, 2019
Partially policy-hidden attribute-based broadcast encryption with secure delegation in edge computing
H Xiong, Y Zhao, L Peng, H Zhang, KH Yeh
Future Generation Computer Systems 97, 453-461, 2019
Privacy enhancing technologies in the Internet of Things: Perspectives and challenges
SC Cha, TY Hsu, Y Xiang, KH Yeh
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (2), 2159-2187, 2018
A novel certificateless signature scheme for smart objects in the Internet-of-Things
KH Yeh, C Su, KKR Choo, W Chiu
Sensors 17 (5), 1001, 2017
Novel authentication schemes for IoT based healthcare systems
JL Hou, KH Yeh
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 11 (11), 183659, 2015
Two robust remote user authentication protocols using smart cards
KH Yeh, C Su, NW Lo, Y Li, YX Hung
Journal of Systems and Software 83 (12), 2556-2565, 2010
Security and privacy for the industrial internet of things: An overview of approaches to safeguarding endpoints
L Zhou, KH Yeh, G Hancke, Z Liu, C Su
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 35 (5), 76-87, 2018
A secure transaction scheme with certificateless cryptographic primitives for IoT-based mobile payments
KH Yeh
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (2), 2027-2038, 2017
Special issue on advanced persistent threat
J Chen, C Su, KH Yeh, M Yung
Future Generation Computer Systems 79, 243-246, 2018
An efficient mutual authentication scheme for EPCglobal class-1 generation-2 RFID system
NW Lo, KH Yeh
International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, 43-56, 2007
I walk, therefore i am: continuous user authentication with plantar biometrics
KH Yeh, C Su, W Chiu, L Zhou
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (2), 150-157, 2018
Anonymous coexistence proofs for RFID tags
NW Lo, KH Yeh
Journal of Information Science and Engineering 26 (4), 1213-1230, 2010
An efficient certificateless signature scheme without bilinear pairings
KH Yeh, KY Tsai, CY Fan
Multimedia Tools and Applications 74, 6519-6530, 2015
A user-friendly privacy framework for users to achieve consents with nearby BLE devices
SC Cha, MS Chuang, KH Yeh, ZJ Huang, C Su
IEEE Access 6, 20779-20787, 2018
Toward blockchain-enabled IoV with edge computing: Efficient and privacy-preserving vehicular communication and dynamic updating
Q Mei, H Xiong, Y Zhao, KH Yeh
2021 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC), 1-8, 2021
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