Dr Zhiwei Gao
Dr Zhiwei Gao
School of Engineering, University of Glasgow
在 glasgow.ac.uk 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
A critical state sand plasticity model accounting for fabric evolution
Z Gao, J Zhao, XS Li, YF Dafalias
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2014
A generalized anisotropic failure criterion for geomaterials
Z Gao, J Zhao, Y Yao
International Journal of Solids and Structures 47 (22-23), 3166-3185, 2010
Fractional elastoplastic constitutive model for soils based on a novel 3D fractional plastic flow rule
D Lu, J Liang, X Du, C Ma, Z Gao
Computers and Geotechnics 105, 277-290, 2019
Modified UH model: constitutive modeling of overconsolidated clays based on a parabolic Hvorslev envelope
Y Yao, Z Gao, J Zhao, Z Wan
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 138 (7), 860-868, 2012
A non-coaxial critical-state model for sand accounting for fabric anisotropy and fabric evolution
Z Gao, J Zhao
International Journal of Solids and Structures 106, 200-212, 2017
Strain localization and fabric evolution in sand
Z Gao, J Zhao
International Journal of Solids and Structures 50 (22-23), 3634-3648, 2013
Constitutive modeling of anisotropic sand behavior in monotonic and cyclic loading
Z Gao, J Zhao
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 141 (8), 04015017, 2015
Constitutive modeling of artificially cemented sand by considering fabric anisotropy
Z Gao, J Zhao
Computers and Geotechnics 41, 57-69, 2012
Evaluation on failure of fiber-reinforced sand
Z Gao, J Zhao
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 139 (1), 95-106, 2013
Unified anisotropic elastoplastic model for sand
J Zhao, Z Gao
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 142 (1), 04015056, 2016
Anisotropic UH model for soils based on a simple transformed stress method
Y Yao, Y Tian, Z Gao
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2017
Efficient approach to characterize strength anisotropy in soils
Z Gao, J Zhao
Journal of engineering mechanics 138 (12), 1447-1456, 2012
3D elastoplastic model for fine-grained gassy soil considering the gas-dependent yield surface shape and stress-dilatancy
Y Hong, L Wang, J Zhang, Z Gao
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 146 (5), 04020037, 2020
Dilatancy relation for overconsolidated clay
Z Gao, J Zhao, ZY Yin
International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (5), 06016035, 2017
Virtual mix design: Prediction of compressive strength of concrete with industrial wastes using deep data augmentation
N Chen, S Zhao, Z Gao, D Wang, P Liu, M Oeser, Y Hou, L Wang
Construction and Building Materials 323, 126580, 2022
A Dynamic Elastoplastic Model of Concrete Based on a Modeling Method with Environmental Factors as Constitutive Variables
D Lu, F Meng, X Zhou, Y Zhuo, Z Gao, X Du
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 149 (12), 04023102, 2023
The deformation and failure of strip footings on anisotropic cohesionless sloping grounds
Z Gao, J Zhao, X Li
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2021
Automatic intelligent recognition of pavement distresses with limited dataset using generative adversarial networks
Z Liu, S Pan, Z Gao, N Chen, F Li, L Wang, Y Hou
Automation in Construction 146, 104674, 2023
A multiaxial constitutive model for fibre-reinforced sand
Z Gao, A Diambra
Géotechnique 71 (6), 548-560, 2021
Bearing capacity and failure mechanism of strip footings on anisotropic sand
Z Gao, D Lu, X Du
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 146 (8), 04020081, 2020
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