Political ideologies and the internationalization of family-controlled firms

P Duran, T Kostova, M van Essen - Journal of World Business, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper examines the effect of government political ideology on internationalization of
family-controlled firms (FCFs). FCFs tend to internationalize less than non-FCFs, because of …

Family firms and corporate social responsibility: exploring “concerns”

NH Lamb, F Butler, P Roundy - Journal of Strategy and Management, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose Scholars are devoting increasing attention to understanding a specific type of
strategic initiative in family firms: corporate social responsibility (CSR). Prior studies have …

The family firm: a synthesis, stylized facts, and future research directions

D Kárpáti, L Renneboog… - Annals of Corporate …, 2024 - nowpublishers.com
In acknowledging and exploiting the substantial heterogeneity among family firms, scholars
are increasingly step** away from the dichotomization of family influence to better …

[PDF][PDF] Corporate social responsibility disclosure to firm value with family ownership as the moderating variable

G Gusrianti, MP Nirmala, H Kamela… - International Journal of …, 2020 - ijicc.net
The growing concern on social and environmental issues from various stakeholders creates
the demand for corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosures. This study aims to obtain …

[КНИГА][B] Family firm: A distinctive form of organization

E Micelotta, C Benedetti, P Rovelli - 2023 - cambridge.org
This Element reinvigorates calls to explore avenues to further integrate the research fields of
Organization Theory (OT) and Family Business (FB). It presents the family business literature …

Women on boards and top-level positions in the Global South: is there a change?

C Yoshinaga… - Available at SSRN …, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper investigates the status of gender equality in Brazil's corporate sector, a significant
democratic economy in the Global South. Despite the absence of government-imposed …

Challenge of Leadership Succession in Family-owned Businesses in Lagos, Nigeria

MO Awosanya - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Leaders of family-owned businesses pay more attention to the attainment of personal and
organizational objectives than to leadership succession plans for continuity when they leave …

The Mediating Role of R&D Intensity in the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Enterprise Value: The Impact of Ownership and Jurisdiction

E Xu - The Mediating Role of R&D Intensity in the … - papers.ssrn.com
This study investigates the mediating effect of research and development (R&D) investment
intensity on the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and enterprise …