Scalable synthesis and characterization of multilayer γ-graphyne, new carbon crystals with a small direct band gap
γ-Graphyne is the most symmetric sp2/sp1 allotrope of carbon, which can be viewed as
graphene uniformly expanded through the insertion of two-carbon acetylenic units between …
graphene uniformly expanded through the insertion of two-carbon acetylenic units between …
Molecular dynamics simulation of the mechanical and thermal properties of phagraphene nanosheets and nanotubes: a review
Phagraphene is a newly proposed two-dimensional allotrope of carbon. Its structure
resembles that of a defective graphene sheet. The unit cell structure of phagraphene …
resembles that of a defective graphene sheet. The unit cell structure of phagraphene …
First-principles and reactive molecular dynamics study of the elastic properties of pentahexoctite-based nanotubes
Pentahexoctite (PH) is a pure sp 2 hybridized planar carbon allotrope whose structure
consists of a symmetric combination of pentagons, hexagons, and octagons. The proposed …
consists of a symmetric combination of pentagons, hexagons, and octagons. The proposed …
Compound influence of topological defects and heteroatomic inclusions on the mechanical properties of SWCNTs
The utility of carbon nanotubes as the reinforcement agents in polymer and metal matrix
composites has opened up a new avenue in the development of novel composite materials …
composites has opened up a new avenue in the development of novel composite materials …
Computational study of elastic, structural stability and dynamics properties of penta-graphene membrane
Recently, a new two-dimensional carbon allotrope called Penta-graphene membrane was
proposed. The Penta-graphene membrane exhibits interesting mechanical and electronic …
proposed. The Penta-graphene membrane exhibits interesting mechanical and electronic …
A comprehensive study on the mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of graphyne nanotubes (GNTs) in different phases
The mechanical properties, failure mechanisms of one-dimensional carbon allotropes
including α, β, γ graphyne nanotubes (GNTs) and also conventional carbon nanotubes …
including α, β, γ graphyne nanotubes (GNTs) and also conventional carbon nanotubes …
The adsorption of NO2, SO2, and O3 molecules on the Al-doped stanene nanotube: a DFT study
N Karimi, JJ Sardroodi, AE Rastkar - Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2022 - Springer
Adsorption of pollutant gas molecules (NO2, SO2, and O3) on the surface of the Al-doped
stanene nanotube was investigated within the first principle calculations of density functional …
stanene nanotube was investigated within the first principle calculations of density functional …
Vibrational analysis of graphyne-based nanoplates using a hybrid nonlocal strain gradient-atomistic simulation model
By employing a hybrid atomistic-continuum model, we can combine the advantages of
atomic and continuum models. In this approach, resonance frequencies are matched to …
atomic and continuum models. In this approach, resonance frequencies are matched to …
Engineering of hydrogenated (6, 0) single-walled carbon nanotube under applied uniaxial stress: a DFT-1/2 and molecular dynamics study
Herein, we systematically studied the electronic, optical, and mechanical properties of a
hydrogenated (6, 0) single-walled carbon nanotube [(6, 0) h-SWCNT] under applied uniaxial …
hydrogenated (6, 0) single-walled carbon nanotube [(6, 0) h-SWCNT] under applied uniaxial …
Mechanical properties of single-walled penta-graphene-based nanotubes: a DFT and classical molecular dynamics study
Membranes of carbon allotropes comprised solely of densely packed pentagonal rings,
known as penta-graphene, exhibit negative Poisson's ratio (auxetic behavior) and a …
known as penta-graphene, exhibit negative Poisson's ratio (auxetic behavior) and a …