Entrepreneurial identity: A review and research agenda
Over the past three decades, research on entrepreneurial identity (EI) has grown particularly
rapidly, yet in seemingly disparate directions. To lend structure to this fragmented field of …
rapidly, yet in seemingly disparate directions. To lend structure to this fragmented field of …
Feminisms and entrepreneurship: A systematic literature review investigating a troubled connection
The paper aims to systematically review the literature that empirically investigates the
relationship between feminisms and entrepreneurship. Feminisms, meant as movements …
relationship between feminisms and entrepreneurship. Feminisms, meant as movements …
A psychosocial study of self-perceived creativity and entrepreneurial intentions in a sample of university students
Creativity is a commonly assumed characteristic of entrepreneurs. It is proposed to be a
necessary, although not sufficient, prerequisite for entrepreneurship. This study aimed to …
necessary, although not sufficient, prerequisite for entrepreneurship. This study aimed to …
Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention: Do female students benefit?
This article explores links between entrepreneurship education (EE) participation, alertness
and risk-taking skills and the intensity of entrepreneurial intention relating to becoming an …
and risk-taking skills and the intensity of entrepreneurial intention relating to becoming an …
“Think entrepreneur–think male”: the effect of reduced gender stereotype threat on women's entrepreneurial intention and opportunity motivation
Purpose Entrepreneurship, which traditionally has been a male occupation, still attracts
fewer women than men. Challenging gender stereotypes within entrepreneurship is one …
fewer women than men. Challenging gender stereotypes within entrepreneurship is one …
Breaking glass: Toward a gendered analysis of entrepreneurial leadership
Despite recent expansion in the literature on entrepreneurial leadership, this has not been
matched with the development of appropriate theoretical frameworks, theory building, and …
matched with the development of appropriate theoretical frameworks, theory building, and …
Enacting entrepreneurship and leadership: A longitudinal exploration of gendered identity work
KV Lewis - Journal of Small Business Management, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Entrepreneurship and leadership are enacted as examples of practice and taken on as
forms of identity; they are also both understood to be gendered constructions. The paper …
forms of identity; they are also both understood to be gendered constructions. The paper …
[PDF][PDF] Challenges and success factors of female entrepreneurs: Evidence from a develo** country
M Mustapha - International Review of Management and …, 2016 - dergipark.org.tr
Entrepreneurship is claimed as an important element to stimulate growth and development
of most countries. It is also posited that female entrepreneurs took part and played a vital …
of most countries. It is also posited that female entrepreneurs took part and played a vital …
Exploring the gendered entrepreneurial identity gap: implications for entrepreneurship education
C Elliott, J Mantler, J Huggins - International Journal of Gender and …, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose Women are underrepresented in most university entrepreneurship education (EE)
programmes and less likely than men to pursue business venturing as a career. One reason …
programmes and less likely than men to pursue business venturing as a career. One reason …
Building back better through feminist entrepreneurship policy
B Orser - International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose Most feminists policies are aspirational. Deficiencies include vague terms of what
constitutes 'feminist'within policy, ambiguous investment criteria, lack of consultation and the …
constitutes 'feminist'within policy, ambiguous investment criteria, lack of consultation and the …