Mechanisms, detection and impacts of species redistributions under climate change
Shifts in species distributions are a common ecological response to climate change, and
global temperature rise is often hypothesized as the primary driver. However, the directions …
global temperature rise is often hypothesized as the primary driver. However, the directions …
Improvements in reports of species redistribution under climate change are required
Studies have documented climate change–induced shifts in species distributions but
uncertainties associated with data and methods are typically unexplored. We reviewed 240 …
uncertainties associated with data and methods are typically unexplored. We reviewed 240 …
Species better track climate warming in the oceans than on land
There is mounting evidence of species redistribution as climate warms. Yet, our knowledge
of the coupling between species range shifts and isotherm shifts remains limited. Here, we …
of the coupling between species range shifts and isotherm shifts remains limited. Here, we …
Accelerating declines of North America's shorebirds signal the need for urgent conservation action
Shorebirds are declining to a greater extent than many other avian taxa around the world. In
North America, shorebirds, along with aerial insectivores and grassland birds, have some of …
North America, shorebirds, along with aerial insectivores and grassland birds, have some of …
Citizen science as an ecological research tool: challenges and benefits
Citizen science, the involvement of volunteers in research, has increased the scale of
ecological field studies with continent-wide, centralized monitoring efforts and, more rarely …
ecological field studies with continent-wide, centralized monitoring efforts and, more rarely …
Migratory behavior and winter geography drive differential range shifts of eastern birds in response to recent climate change
Over the past half century, migratory birds in North America have shown divergent
population trends relative to resident species, with the former declining rapidly and the latter …
population trends relative to resident species, with the former declining rapidly and the latter …
Shared morphological consequences of global warming in North American migratory birds
Increasing temperatures associated with climate change are predicted to cause reductions
in body size, a key determinant of animal physiology and ecology. Using a four‐decade …
in body size, a key determinant of animal physiology and ecology. Using a four‐decade …
Do species' traits predict recent shifts at expanding range edges?
Ecology Letters (2011) 14: 677–689 Abstract Although some organisms have moved to
higher elevations and latitudes in response to recent climate change, there is little …
higher elevations and latitudes in response to recent climate change, there is little …
Rapid climate driven shifts in wintering distributions of three common waterbird species
Climate change is predicted to cause changes in species distributions and several studies
report margin range shifts in some species. However, the reported changes rarely concern a …
report margin range shifts in some species. However, the reported changes rarely concern a …
Challenging claims in the study of migratory birds and climate change
Recent shifts in phenology in response to climate change are well established but often
poorly understood. Many animals integrate climate change across a spatially and temporally …
poorly understood. Many animals integrate climate change across a spatially and temporally …