Better together: Unifying datalog and equality saturation
We present egglog, a fixpoint reasoning system that unifies Datalog and equality saturation
(EqSat). Like Datalog, egglog supports efficient incremental execution, cooperating …
(EqSat). Like Datalog, egglog supports efficient incremental execution, cooperating …
The verse calculus: a core calculus for deterministic functional logic programming
Functional logic languages have a rich literature, but it is tricky to give them a satisfying
semantics. In this paper we describe the Verse calculus, VC, a new core calculus for …
semantics. In this paper we describe the Verse calculus, VC, a new core calculus for …
Bring your own data structures to datalog
The restricted logic programming language Datalog has become a popular implementation
target for deductive-analytic workloads including social-media analytics and program …
target for deductive-analytic workloads including social-media analytics and program …
Flan: an expressive and efficient datalog compiler for program analysis
Datalog has gained prominence in program analysis due to its expressiveness and ease of
use. Its generic fixpoint resolution algorithm over relational domains simplifies the …
use. Its generic fixpoint resolution algorithm over relational domains simplifies the …
Program repair guided by datalog-defined static analysis
Automated program repair relying on static analysis complements test-driven repair, since it
does not require failing tests to repair a bug, and it avoids test-overfitting by considering …
does not require failing tests to repair a bug, and it avoids test-overfitting by considering …
Seamless deductive inference via macros
We present an approach to integrating state-of-art bottom-up logic programming within the
Rust ecosystem, demonstrating it with Ascent, an extension of Datalog that performs well …
Rust ecosystem, demonstrating it with Ascent, an extension of Datalog that performs well …
Dependency-aware metamorphic testing of datalog engines
Datalog is a declarative query language with wide applicability, especially in program
analysis. Queries are evaluated by Datalog engines, which are complex and thus prone to …
analysis. Queries are evaluated by Datalog engines, which are complex and thus prone to …
Declarative smart contracts
This paper presents DeCon, a declarative programming language for implementing smart
contracts and specifying contract-level properties. Driven by the observation that smart …
contracts and specifying contract-level properties. Driven by the observation that smart …
Functional programming with Datalog
Datalog is a carefully restricted logic programming language. What makes Datalog attractive
is its declarative fixpoint semantics: Datalog queries consist of simple Horn clauses, yet …
is its declarative fixpoint semantics: Datalog queries consist of simple Horn clauses, yet …
From SMT to ASP: Solver-based approaches to solving datalog synthesis-as-rule-selection problems
Given a set of candidate Datalog rules, the Datalog synthesis-as-rule-selection problem
chooses a subset of these rules that satisfies a specification (such as an input-output …
chooses a subset of these rules that satisfies a specification (such as an input-output …