Aligning strategic and participatory approaches to agri‐environment scheme design and implementation to enhance nature recovery outcomes
Nature recovery requires the provisioning of resources in the right place and in sufficient
quantities to support wildlife populations and improve ecological processes. Agri …
quantities to support wildlife populations and improve ecological processes. Agri …
Using the natural capital framework to integrate biodiversity into sustainable, efficient and equitable environmental-economic decision-making
One of Georgina Mace's many transformational research contributions was to provide a
universally applicable framework for incorporating any or all elements and connections of …
universally applicable framework for incorporating any or all elements and connections of …
Bringing nature into decision-making
Contemporary economic development has led to dramatic decline of the natural world
according to a wide range of metrics. There is also powerful evidence and growing …
according to a wide range of metrics. There is also powerful evidence and growing …
Biodiversity offsets must address the trade-offs between people and nature: Case study and general principles
The ongoing biodiversity loss crisis has prompted worldwide interest in ensuring that new
developments offset impacts upon nature through biodiversity net gain (BNG) projects …
developments offset impacts upon nature through biodiversity net gain (BNG) projects …
Biodiversity, public preferences and substitutability with an application to cost-based shadow pricing
Biodiversity is a multifaceted component of natural capital and challenges traditional
valuation methods. We therefore propose a cost-based approach, novel in its application to …
valuation methods. We therefore propose a cost-based approach, novel in its application to …
[PDF][PDF] Natural Capital in Policy-Making: workshop report
This report is an output of the 'Galvanising Change via Natural Capital'project, which is
project JHID5-3 funded by the Scottish Government RESAS Strategic Research Programme …
project JHID5-3 funded by the Scottish Government RESAS Strategic Research Programme …
Decision-making under uncertainty for natural capital resources
HTF Cho - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Natural capital resources provide valuable goods and services to humans that help tackle
global environmental challenges such as climate change and the loss of biodiversity …
global environmental challenges such as climate change and the loss of biodiversity …
Biodiversity offsets perform poorly for both people and nature, but better approaches are available
Sustainability requires that we restore biodiversity and wider ecosystem services, yet
developments such as new housing inevitably cause environmental impacts. Accordingly …
developments such as new housing inevitably cause environmental impacts. Accordingly …