[PDF][PDF] Students' cognitive engagement in problem solving and online learning
One indicator of the success or failure of a learning process in the classroom is whether
there is an increase in student learning outcomes, which can be seen from an increase in …
there is an increase in student learning outcomes, which can be seen from an increase in …
[HTML][HTML] On-the-fly PCTL fast mean-field approximated model-checking for self-organising coordination
Typical self-organising collective systems consist of a large number of interacting objects
that coordinate their activities in a decentralised and often implicit way. Design of such …
that coordinate their activities in a decentralised and often implicit way. Design of such …
[PDF][PDF] Digital Farming And Smart Farming From The Perspective Of Agricultural Students at Malikussaleh University 2022:-
This study describes the views of agricultural students in seeing the opportunities and
challenges of the era of digital farming and smart farming. To further grow their interest to be …
challenges of the era of digital farming and smart farming. To further grow their interest to be …
On-the-fly fast mean-field model-checking
A novel, scalable, on-the-fly model-checking procedure is presented to verify bounded PCTL
properties of selected individuals in the context of very large systems of independent …
properties of selected individuals in the context of very large systems of independent …
Business analytics for used car price prediction with statistical models
Y Chen, C Li, M Xu - 2021 3rd International Conference on …, 2021 - atlantis-press.com
With the development of the used car market, the demand for a more accurate and scientific
price prediction model of used cars becomes urgent. This paper uses multiple linear …
price prediction model of used cars becomes urgent. This paper uses multiple linear …
Online Learning and Character Education Problems During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Character Education remains an educational priority in a variety of situations and conditions,
including during the covid-19 pandemic. The urgency of character education cannot be …
including during the covid-19 pandemic. The urgency of character education cannot be …
The Influence of Parental Warmth and Family Rearing Style on College Students' Creativity Tendency: The Mediating Role of General Self-Efficacy
C Liu, W Su, X Zhan - 2022 8th International Conference on …, 2022 - atlantis-press.com
Family is the first environment that affects people's psychological development. In recent
years, with people's attention to education, more and more people began to pay attention to …
years, with people's attention to education, more and more people began to pay attention to …
Symbolic approximation of the bounded reachability probability in large Markov chains
We present a novel technique to analyze the bounded reachability probability problem for
large Markov chains. The essential idea is to incrementally search for sets of paths that lead …
large Markov chains. The essential idea is to incrementally search for sets of paths that lead …
On-the-fly fluid model checking via discrete time population models
We show that, under suitable convergence and scaling conditions, fluid model checking
bounded CSL formulas on selected individuals in a continuous large population model can …
bounded CSL formulas on selected individuals in a continuous large population model can …
Panatacara Text of Sanggar Pasinaon Pambiwara Keraton Surakarta as a Nation Character Builder in Language Politeness
S Hidayatulloh, ST Widodo… - … Conference on Language …, 2021 - atlantis-press.com
Panatacara text functions as a means for a presenter to coordinate an event so that the
event runs following the order. The text uses Krama Inggil which has the highest level of …
event runs following the order. The text uses Krama Inggil which has the highest level of …