Entropy of Hawking radiation for two-sided hyperscaling violating black branes

F Omidi - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 - Springer
A bstract In this paper, we study the von Neumann entropy of Hawking radiation SR for a d+
2-dimensional Hyperscaling Violating (HV) black brane which is coupled to two Minkowski …

Complexity growth with Lifshitz scaling and hyperscaling violation

M Alishahiha, AF Astaneh, M Mozaffar… - Journal of High Energy …, 2018 - Springer
A bstract Using “complexity= action” proposal we study the growth rate of holographic
complexity for Lifshitz and hyperscaling violating geometries. We will consider both one and …

Conformal symmetry breaking and thermodynamics of near-extremal black holes

A Almheiri, B Kang - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 - Springer
A bstract It has been argued recently by Almheiri and Polchinski that the near-horizon
conformal symmetry of extremal black holes must be broken due to gravitational …

Some aspects of entanglement wedge cross-section

KB Velni, MR Mohammadi Mozaffar… - Journal of High Energy …, 2019 - Springer
A bstract We consider the minimal area of the entanglement wedge cross section (EWCS) in
Einstein gravity. In the context of holography, it is proposed that this quantity is dual to …

Weak gravity conjecture from conformal field theory: a challenge from hyperscaling violating and Kerr-Newman-AdS black holes

J Sadeghi, M Shokri, MR Alipour, SN Gashti - Chinese Physics C, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
We search for a possible relationship between weak gravity conjecture (WGC) and
conformal field theory (CFT) in hyperscaling violating and Kerr-Newman-AdS black holes …

Lyapunov exponents and phase structure of Lifshitz and hyperscaling violating black holes

AN Kumara, S Punacha, MS Ali - Journal of Cosmology and …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
We study the phase structure of Lifshitz and hyperscaling violating (HSV) black holes using
Lyapunov exponents. For describing hyperscaling violating system, we chose a particular …

Holographic mutual information at finite temperature

W Fischler, A Kundu, S Kundu - … Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and …, 2013 - APS
Using the Ryu-Takayanagi conjectured formula for entanglement entropy in the context of
gauge-gravity duality, we investigate properties of mutual information between two disjoint …

Strongly coupled gauge theories: high and low temperature behavior of non-local observables

W Fischler, S Kundu - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 - Springer
A bstract We explore the high and low temperature behavior of non-local observables in
strongly coupled gauge theories that are dual to AdS. We develop a systematic expansion …

Hyperscaling violating black holes with spherical and hyperbolic horizons

JF Pedraza, W Sybesma… - Classical and Quantum …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
We present a new family of charged black holes with hyperscaling violating asymptotics and
non-trivial horizon topology, for arbitrary Lifshitz exponent z and hyperscaling violation …

Aspects of hyperscaling violating geometries at finite cutoff

S Khoeini-Moghaddam, F Omidi, C Paul - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021 - Springer
A bstract Recently, it was proposed that a\(T\overline {T}\) deformed CFT is dual to a gravity
theory in an asymptotically AdS spacetime at finite radial cutoff. Motivated by this proposal …