[ספר][B] Anaphora resolution

R Mitkov - 2014‏ - api.taylorfrancis.com
Teaching computers to solve language problems is one of the major challengesof natural
language processing. There is a large amount of interesting researchdevoted to this field …

A review of the analytics techniques for an efficient management of online forums: An architecture proposal

J Peral, A Ferrandez, H Mora, D Gil… - IEEE Access, 2019‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
E-learning is a response to the new educational needs of society and an important
development in information and communication technologies because it represents the …

[PDF][PDF] Importance of pronominal anaphora resolution in question answering systems

JL Vicedo, A Ferrández - Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting …, 2000‏ - aclanthology.org
The main aim of this paper is to analyse the effects of applying pronominal anaphora
resolution to Question Answering (QA) systems. For this task a complete QA system has …

An algorithm for anaphora resolution in Spanish texts

M Palomar, A Ferrández, L Moreno… - Computational …, 2001‏ - direct.mit.edu
This paper presents an algorithm for identifying noun phrase antecedents of third person
personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, reflexive pronouns, and omitted pronouns …

[PDF][PDF] A computational approach to zero-pronouns in Spanish

A Ferrández, J Peral - Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of …, 2000‏ - aclanthology.org
In this paper, a computational approach for resolving zero-pronouns in Spanish texts is
proposed. Our approach has been evaluated with partial parsing of the text and the results …

A computational method for enabling teaching-learning process in huge online courses and communities

H Mora, A Ferrández, D Gil, J Peral - … Review of Research in Open and …, 2017‏ - erudit.org
Massive Open Online Courses and e-learning represent the future of the teaching-learning
processes through the development of Information and Communication Technologies. They …

[ספר][B] Pronominal anaphora resolution in Chinese

SP Converse - 2006‏ - search.proquest.com
Resolving pronominal anaphors in English has been a focus of research in natural
language processing for decades. Methods ranging from linguistics-oriented, rule-based …

A feature dependent method for opinion mining and classification

A Balahur, A Montoyo - 2008 International conference on …, 2008‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Mining the web for customer opinion on different products is both a useful, as well as
challenging task. Previous approaches to customer review classification included document …

[ספר][B] Anaphora resolution and text retrieval: A linguistic analysis of hypertexts

H Schmolz - 2015‏ - library.oapen.org
Empirical approaches based on qualitative or quantitative methods of corpus linguistics
have become a central paradigm within linguistics. The series takes account of this fact and …

Discourse-aware neural machine translation

W Longyue - 2019‏ - doras.dcu.ie
Machine translation (MT) models usually translate a text by considering isolated sentences
based on a strict assumption that the sentences in a text are independent of one another …