Why are invasive plants successful?
Plant invasions, a byproduct of globalization, are increasing worldwide. Because of their
ecological and economic impacts, considerable efforts have been made to understand and …
ecological and economic impacts, considerable efforts have been made to understand and …
Complexity and stability of ecological networks: a review of the theory
Our planet is changing at paces never observed before. Species extinction is happening at
faster rates than ever, greatly exceeding the five mass extinctions in the fossil record …
faster rates than ever, greatly exceeding the five mass extinctions in the fossil record …
Invasion syndromes: a systematic approach for predicting biological invasions and facilitating effective management
Our ability to predict invasions has been hindered by the seemingly idiosyncratic context-
dependency of individual invasions. However, we argue that robust and useful …
dependency of individual invasions. However, we argue that robust and useful …
The ecology and evolution of alien plants
We review the state of the art of alien plant research with emphasis on conceptual advances
and knowledge gains on general patterns and drivers, biotic interactions, and evolution …
and knowledge gains on general patterns and drivers, biotic interactions, and evolution …
Coexistence theory as a tool to understand biological invasions in species interaction networks: Implications for the study of novel ecosystems
O Godoy - Functional Ecology, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Questions related to understanding which characteristics of the recipient communities make
them vulnerable to invasion (ie invasibility) are commonly formulated in such a way that they …
them vulnerable to invasion (ie invasibility) are commonly formulated in such a way that they …
Phylogeny and phylogeography of rhizobial symbionts nodulating legumes of the tribe Genisteae
T Stępkowski, J Banasiewicz, CE Granada, M Andrews… - Genes, 2018 - mdpi.com
The legume tribe Genisteae comprises 618, predominantly temperate species, showing an
amphi-Atlantic distribution that was caused by several long-distance dispersal events …
amphi-Atlantic distribution that was caused by several long-distance dispersal events …
[PDF][PDF] Biotic interactions as mediators of biological invasions: insights from South Africa
Biotic interactions as mediators of biological invasions: insights from South Africa Page 400
Chapter 14 Biotic Interactions as Mediators of Biological Invasions: Insights from South Africa …
Chapter 14 Biotic Interactions as Mediators of Biological Invasions: Insights from South Africa …
Importance of soil legacy effects and successful mutualistic interactions during Australian Acacia invasions in nutrient‐poor environments
Non‐native plants often alter environments they invade, favouring their own performance
through positive feedbacks. Plant–soil interactions represent one such mechanism, but their …
through positive feedbacks. Plant–soil interactions represent one such mechanism, but their …
The Functional Potential of the Rhizospheric Microbiome of an Invasive Tree Species, Acacia dealbata
Plant-microbe interactions mediate both the invasiveness of introduced plant species and
the impacts that they have in invaded ecosystems. Although the phylogenetic composition of …
the impacts that they have in invaded ecosystems. Although the phylogenetic composition of …
Trait positions for elevated invasiveness in adaptive ecological networks
Our ability to predict the outcome of invasion declines rapidly as non-native species
progress through intertwined ecological barriers to establish and spread in recipient …
progress through intertwined ecological barriers to establish and spread in recipient …