Nitric oxide: physiological functions, delivery, and biomedical applications
Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous molecule that has a central role in signaling pathways
involved in numerous physiological processes (eg, vasodilation, neurotransmission …
involved in numerous physiological processes (eg, vasodilation, neurotransmission …
The biologically relevant coordination chemistry of iron and nitric oxide: electronic structure and reactivity
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule that is involved in a wide range of
physiological and pathological events in biology. Metal coordination chemistry, especially …
physiological and pathological events in biology. Metal coordination chemistry, especially …
Sources of vascular nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species and their regulation
Nitric oxide (NO) is a small free radical with critical signaling roles in physiology and
pathophysiology. The generation of sufficient NO levels to regulate the resistance of the …
pathophysiology. The generation of sufficient NO levels to regulate the resistance of the …
Red blood cell and endothelial eNOS independently regulate circulating nitric oxide metabolites and blood pressure
F Leo, T Suvorava, SK Heuser, J Li, A LoBue… - Circulation, 2021 - ahajournals.org
Background: Current paradigms suggest that nitric oxide (NO) produced by endothelial cells
(ECs) through endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the vessel wall is the primary …
(ECs) through endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the vessel wall is the primary …
Nitric oxide signalling in cardiovascular health and disease
Nitric oxide (NO) signalling has pleiotropic roles in biology and a crucial function in
cardiovascular homeostasis. Tremendous knowledge has been accumulated on the …
cardiovascular homeostasis. Tremendous knowledge has been accumulated on the …
Red blood cell function and dysfunction: redox regulation, nitric oxide metabolism, anemia
V Kuhn, L Diederich, TCS Keller IV… - Antioxidants & redox …, 2017 - liebertpub.com
Significance: Recent clinical evidence identified anemia to be correlated with severe
complications of cardiovascular disease (CVD) such as bleeding, thromboembolic events …
complications of cardiovascular disease (CVD) such as bleeding, thromboembolic events …
Measurement of reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, and redox-dependent signaling in the cardiovascular system: a scientific statement from the …
Reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species are biological molecules that play
important roles in cardiovascular physiology and contribute to disease initiation …
important roles in cardiovascular physiology and contribute to disease initiation …
Nitric Oxide Signaling and Regulation in the Cardiovascular System: Recent Advances
Nitric oxide (NO) from endothelial NO synthase importantly contributes to vascular
homeostasis. Reduced NO production or increased scavenging during disease conditions …
homeostasis. Reduced NO production or increased scavenging during disease conditions …
Erythrocyte metabolism
Our aim is to present an updated overview of the erythrocyte metabolism highlighting its
richness and complexity. We have manually collected and connected the available …
richness and complexity. We have manually collected and connected the available …
Erythrocytes from patients with type 2 diabetes induce endothelial dysfunction via arginase I
Background: Cardiovascular complications are major clinical problems in type 2 diabetes
mellitus (T2DM). The authors previously demonstrated a crucial role of red blood cells …
mellitus (T2DM). The authors previously demonstrated a crucial role of red blood cells …